Vol 7 No Suppl1 (2024)

    Original Articles

    Quantification of Pigmented Regions in Detracted Images 
    Eugênio Rocha da Silva Júnior, Uanderson Lima Santos, Marcos Batista Figueredo

    Seed Germination of Native Species of Atlantic Forest (Bahia, Brazil) 
    Rosângela da Silva Pinto, Lisandra Roberta da Silva Pita, Maria Dolores Ribeiro Orge, Suelle Gonçalves Santiago, Elis Gean Rocha

    Morphometry of Seeds of the Species Serjania comata Radlk in a Remnant of Atlantic Forest, Alagoinhas, Bahia 
    Joyce Raianne de Oliveira Barbosa, Stefani Hiaminique dos Santos de Carvalho, Gracineide Selma Santos de Almeida

    Aspects of the Plankton Community from Sauípe Port Estuary, Bahia, Brazil
    Letícia Nayara Barreto dos Santos, Maria Dolores Ribeiro Orge, Diogo Silva Bezerra

    Ecological Niche Model for Palicourea jambosioides (Schltdl.) C.M. Taylor in the State of Bahia, Brazil
    Stefani Hiaminique dos Santos de Carvalho, Joyce Raianne de Oliveira Barbosa, Gracineide Selma Santos de Almeida, Gustavo Reis de Brito, Jomar Gomes Jardim

    Using the MLP Classifier Model with Markov Chains Observing the Bovespa Index
    Bruno Oliveira Cardoso, José Roberto de Araujo

    Systematic Review / Bibliometric Articles

    Bioclimatic Variables Used in Predictive Modeling: A Literature Review for the Caatinga Biome 
    Marinalva de Jesus Almeida, Mara Rojane Barros de Matos, José Gabriel Ferreira dos Santos

    Temporal Change in Land Use and Cover in the Municipality of Entre Rios, Bahia, Brazil 
    Jaqueline Leal dos Santos, Thais de Souza Neri

    Bibliometric Analysis of Ornithophilous Species of Bromeliaceae in the Atlantic Forest 
    Jéssica Figuera Oliveira Miranda, Joelma Araujo dos Santos, Maria Dolores Ribeiro Orge, José Antonio da Silva Dantas


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  • Journal of Bioengineering, Technologies and Health
    Vol 7 No 4 (2024)

    Original Articles

    Strengthening Entomological Surveillance in Rio de Janeiro: Analysis and Control of Arboviroses Using the LIRAa Toll from 2015 to 2019
    Cristina Conceição Rocha Guedes, Maria de Lourdes Ferraz Heleodoro, Carlos Augusto Correia Lima Reis, Charles da Silva Bezerra, Rodrigo Gomes Marques Silvestre, Aloisio Santos Nascimento Filho, Hugo Sabab

    Development and Characterization of a PLA/NHA Composite Scaffold Manufacturated by 3D Printing 
    Arthur João Reis Lima Rodovalho, Willams Teles Barbosa, Jaqueline Leite Vieira, Caio Athayde de Oliva, Ana Paula Bispo Gonçalves, Sabrina Arcaro, Josiane Dantas Viana Barbosa

    Development Process of a Medicinal Cannabidiol Dosing Pen 
    José Santos Damasceno, Gabriel Barreto Teles Fonseca

    Development of a Sunscreen Formulation Enriched with Camellia sinensis Extract in the Treatment of Melasma 
    Amanda Cerqueira Ribeiro Santos, Esther Gabrielle Ribeiro Nascimento, Isis Santos Silva, Júlia Alves Gribel de Oliveira, Rainy Teixeira Gonzaga, Tatiana Oliveira do Vale, Érica Patrícia Lima Pereira

    Influence of the Defects in a Graphene Oxide on the Reduction via Ascorbic Acid for Structuring Aerogels 
    Camila Miranda Fonseca Duarte, Eliel Gomes da Silva Neto, Iara de Fatima Gimenez

    Evaluating the Influence of  Processing Conditions on Colloidal Stability and Particle Size in Fibrillated Nanocellulose 
    Marina Andrade, Ana Paula Gonçalves, Lucas Horiuchi, Vinícius Oliveira, Rodrigo Polkowski

    Hybrid Polyamide Membranes Obtained by the Immersion Precipitation Method
    Joanne Graziela Andrade Mendes, Damares Oliveira de Jesus Ferreira, Airan Magalhães Moura, Carlos Antônio Pereira de Lima, Arthur de Sousa Ferreira, Keila Machado de Medeiro

    Ecotoxicity Study Using Dibenzothiophene and Mercury Chloride in "Brine Shrimp" 
    Melise Lemos Nascimento, Madson Moreira Nascimento, Gisele Olímpio da Rocha, Jailson Bittencourt de Andrade

    Rare Earth Elements in Bahia, Brazil: Potential for Global Production 
    Alexandre Pereira Wentz, Maria das Graças Andrade Korn, Jeancarlo Pereira dos Anjos, Fabiano Ferreira de Medeiros, Paulo Henrique Marques Modesto, Fabrício Dias Rodrigues, Sara Silva Alves, Alexandre Porto, Caio Silva Assis Felix, Eduarda de Lima Guimarães, Lilian Lefon Nani Guarieiro

    Application of a Preproceessing Pipeline to VIS-NIR Data for Predicting Soil Nutrient Concentration Values 
    Eduardo Menezes de Souza Amarante, Julian Santana Liang, Carlos Alberto Campos da Purificação, Rômulo Alexandrino Silva

    An Adjusted Model of Proton Conductivity in Nafion® Membranes 
    Artur Santos Bispo, Chrislaine do Bomfim Marinho, Fernando Luiz Pellegrini Pessoa, José Luis Gonçalves de Almeida

    Systematic Review / Bibliometric Articles

    Anaerobic Digestion of Agave sisalana: Existing Data, Trends, and Potential Applications 
    Julio C.A. Toqueiro, Otanéa B. Oliveira, Oscar F.H. Adarme,Gustavo Mokaitis

    Sustainable AI Applied to Project Management: A Literature Review 
    Hérica de Souza Araújo, Thiago Barros Murari, Anusio Menezes Correia, Erick G. Sperandio Nascimento

    Game Theory to Promote the Sustainable Development of the Pharmaceutical Industry 
    Rosivaldo Cardoso Santiago, Aloísio Santos Nascimento Filho, Bruna Aparecida Souza Machado, Hugo Saba Pereira Cardoso

    Case Study

    3D Modeling of Hospital Environments: Case Study to Improve Patient Safety 
    Luciane Oliveira Lima,Marcelly Ribeiro Bulcão Macêdo, Laura Ferreira Morais de Souza, Camille Pereira Guimarães, Andressa Clara Barbosa de Araujo, Sabrine Cortiana Rodrigues Lima, Cristiane Agra Pimentel

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  • Journal of Bioengineering, Technologies and Health
    Vol 7 No 3 (2024)

    Original Articles

    Study of Equations for the Non-Invasive Calculation of Hemoglobin Levels
    Noemi Araújo Esquivel da Silva, Ciro Oliveira Fialho, Gabriel Barreto Teles Fonseca, Wendy Barbosa Conceição, André Ali Mere, Everton José Buzzo, Paulo Ali Mere

    Challenges of Operationalizing a Mobile Computerized Tomography Unit: Experience Report from the ProPulmão Project 
    Javier Felipe Carrasco Carrasco, Gabriel Barreto Teles Fonseca

    Survey of Smart Technologies for Application in Home Elderly Care 
    Rodrigo Dias Paolillo, Valéria Loureiro da Silva

    Assistive Technologies in Aphasia Rehabilitation: Prototyping for the Task of Object Naming 
    Évila Maria de Souza Carneiro, Claudia Simões Pinto da Cunha Lima

    Building Citizens: The Educational Role of the 'New Ekinata' Project in Obtaining Documents by Young People 
    Rafael Athaliba Bomfim Fraga, João Pereira Paulo de Araujo, Rodrigo Dias Sarno, Iago Santana Alfaya, Marcio Rene Brandão Soussa

    Use of Artificial Intelligence and Sizing and Simulation Software in Photovoltaic Plants 
    Carlos Eduardo Malaquias Fernandes, Fernando Luiz Pellegrini Pessoa, Edson Ricardo Calado Sabino, Oberdan Rocha Pinheiro, Alex Álisson Bandeira Santos

    Additive Manufacturing in the Oil Gas Industry: Strategies for Managing Powder Waste in Multi Jet Fusion Printing (MJF) 
    Beatriz Almeida Castro de Souza, Bruno Caetano dos Santos Silva, Paulo Henrique Guilherme Reis, Lucas de Figueiredo Soares, Edna dos Santos Almeida, Rodrigo Santiago Coelho

    Systematic Review / Bibliometric Articles

    Application of Microencapsulation in Lipids: Technological and Scientific Prospection 
    Thalia Catherine Sacramento Ferreira, Thâmilla Thalline Batista de Oliveira, Tatiana Barreto Rocha Nery

    Development of Technological Routes for Extraction of Bioactives from Coffee Film and Assessment of the Potential of the Phytochemical Profile 
    Roberto Andrei Santos Borromei, Bárbara Avancini Teixeira, Ingrid Lessa Leal, Tatiana Barreto Rocha Nery, Ana Lucia Barbosa de Souza, Fernando Luiz Pellegrini Pessoa

    Bibliometric Study of the Production of Scaffold by Polycaprolactone and Graphene Electrospinning
    Marco Aurélio Silveira, Jaqueline Leite Vieira, Ana Paula Bispo Gonçalves, Rodrigo Polkowski, Willams Teles Barbosa, Milena Botelho Pereira Soares, Josiane Dantas Viana Barbosa

    Study of the Potential of the Green Hydrogen Economy in Bahia: A Multiscale Approach 
    Augusto S.C. de Menezes, Leonardo O.S. Santana, Gustavo Santos, Fernando Pessoa

    A Systematic Review of the Regulation of Green Hydrogen-Based Electricity Generation in Brazil 
    Elisabete Joana Paes Barreto, Aloisio S. Nascimento Filho, Hugo Saba

    Methods for Prospecting and Monitoring Hydrocarbon Gases on Oil and Gas Platforms and Basins: A Brief Review 
    Guilherme Brandão da Cunha, Lilian Lefol Nani Guarieiro, Madson Moreira Nascimento, Pedro Afonso de Paula Pereira

    Analysis of the CO2 Separation Process from Natural Gas Streams by Absorption with MEA using Aspen HYSYS 
    Fernanda dos Santos Cardoso, Gabriel de Veiga Cabral Malgaresi, Reinaldo Coelho Mirre

    Seawater Refinary: A Pathway for Sustainable Metal Recovery and Green Hydrogen Production 
    Leonardo Oliveira Santos de Santana, Jonatas de Oliveira Souza Cavalcante, Gustavo de Souza dos Santos, Fernando Luiz Pellegrini Pessoa


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  • Journal of Bioengineering, Technologies and Health
    Vol 7 No 2 (2024)

    Original Articles

    Challenges in the Development Process of Lipid Nanoemulsions for Parenteral Nutrition
    Cíntia de Santana Silva, Bruna Aparecida Souza Machado

    Calculation of Vascular Impedance for Modeling the Arterial System in Patients with Cardiovascular Diseases 
    Rafael Ferreira Viana de Mello, Thamiles Rodrigues de Melo

    Machine Learning-Based Cardiac Arrhythmia Detection in Electrocardiogram Signals
    João Vitor Mendes Pinto dos Santos, Thamiles Rodrigues de Melo

    Optical Characterization of Oximeters and Develop-ment Kits for Photoplethysmography
    Mariana Chagas Alcantara dos Santos, Valmara Silveira Ponte, Valéria Loureiro da Silva, Iuri Muniz Pepe, André Ali Mere, Everton Buzzo

    Advanced Methacrylated Gelatin (GelMA) Hydrogel Scaffolds for Wound Care Applications
    Caio Athayde de Oliva, Arthur João Reis Lima Rodovalho, WillamsTeles Barbosa, Ana Paula Bispo Gonçalves, Jaqueline Leite Vieira, Milena Botelho Pereira Soares, Josiane Dantas Viana Barbosa

    Production and Characterization of Valhalla Craft Beer in Style Porter Added with Rapadura and Mate Herb
    Laura Beatriz de Carvalho Embiruçu, David Vasconcellos Linhares, Filipe Pinto dos Santos, Israel Hudson Silva, Larissa Sousa Cardeal de Miranda, Dourival Edgar dos Santos Júnior

    Regulatory Aspects of Additives in Brazilian Gelatin Desserts
    Natale Cardoso Sena, Vitor Lima Miranda Melo, Leticia de Alencar Pereira Rodrigues

    Applying Swot Analysis Adapted to Public Management: An Action Research
    Saada Lima Chequer Fernandez, Carlos Augusto Correia Lima Reis, Carla Xavier dos Santos Kaufman, Katharine Valéria Saraiva Hodel, Bruna Aparecida Souza Machado, Aloísio Santos Nascimento Filho, Camila de Sousa Pereira Guizzo
    Sensitization for Solid Waste Disposal: Cosmetic Packaging Collection Initiative at a Public University
    Lylian Rocha Monteiro, Elias Evangelista dos Reis Neto, Óliver Silva Costa Barreto, Edna dos Santos Almeida

    Validation of Analytical Methodology for Determining Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in Fine Particulate Matter Emitted by Diesel Engines
    Gustavo de Britto Viana Pereira, MadsonMoreira Nascimento, Lílian Lefol Nani Guarieiro

    Modeling Evapotranspiration and Temperature in the Amazon Basin Using the WRF Model
    Carolina Sacramento Vieira, Diogo Nunes da Silva Ramos, AntônioJosé da SilvaNeto, Davidson Martins Moreira

    Proposal of an Automated Monitoring System of Aquamarine Water Quality in Coral Reef Regions
    Gustavo Oliveira Ramos Cruz, João Vitor Fraga dos Santos, Gabriel Almeida Vergne de Menezes, Juan Nemesio dos Santos, Antônio Ivan Messias Soares Júnior, Rafael Nascimento de Menezes, George Gebers Brizolla, Márcio Renê Brandão Soussa, Morjane Armstrong Santos de Miranda

    Influence of Chemical Structure on the Thermal and Mechanical Properties of Structural Adhesives
    Thatiana Cristina Pereira de Macedo, Michele Damiana Mota Martins, Daniel Marques de Souza, Marcus Vinícius Badaró de Oliveira Ribeiro, Ygor T. B. Santos, Marie-Odette Quéméré, Pollyana S. Melo, Rodrigo Santiago Coelho

    Comparative Study of Analytical and Numerical Methods for Stress Analysis in Screw Thread Fillets 
    Adriel da Anunciação Santana, Lucas Lincoln Fonseca Soares, Juan Carlos Romero Albino, Valter Estevão Beal

    Robotic Arm-Aided Non-Destructive Testing Using Eletromagnetic Acoustic Transducers for Thickness Measurement in Industrial Applications 
    Moisés Araujo Oliveira, Rafael Santana Queiroz, Lucas Cruz da Silva, Rodrigo Santiago Coelho

    Market Analysis

    Market Analysis for Implementing Good Laboratory Practices at the SENAI Institute of Innovation in Advanced Health Systems (ISI-SAS) of SENAI CIMATEC 
    Gabrielle Novais Manzoli, Maria Conceição Moares Lima, Leticia de Alencar Pereira Rodrigues, Afrânio Ferreira Evangelista, Bruna Aparecida Souza Machado


    Hybrid Renewable Energy Systems: An Analysis from the State-of-the-Art Review 
    Ana Tereza Borba, Leonardo Jaime Machado Simões, Thamiles Rodrigues de Melo, Alex Álisson Bandeira Santos

    Using Motor Imaging and Deep Neural Networks for Knee Osteoarthritis (OA) Diagnosis: A State-of-the-Art Approach
    Osmar Ferreira Gomes, OberdanRocha Pinheiro, Alex Alísson Bandeira Santos

    Systematic Review / Review Articles

    Word Generation Interventions for Individuals with Aphasia: A Systematic Review 
    Bruno da Costa Sales, Claudia Simões Pinto da Cunha Lima

    Technologies for Monitoring Fatigue in Workers: A Human-Centered Approach in the Construction Industry Context 
    Lilian Moraes de Oliveira, Thamiles Rodrigues de Melo, Herman Augusto Lepikson

    Development of a Data Manager for Analyzing the Global Distribution of COVID-19 Vaccines Using Data from 'Our World in Data' 
    Leticia Santos Almeida, Vinicius Marques Rocha, Afrânio Ferreira Evangelista, Bruna Aparecida Souza Machado

    Biohydrogen Production from Effluents Using Anaerobic Bacteria: A Bibliometric Review 
    Gisele Beatriz Teles Goes, Fernando Luiz Pellegrini Pessoa, Tatiana Oliveira do Vale, Ana Lucia de Souza Barbosa

    Production of Agave's Bioproducts: A Short Review 
    Roberto Batista da Silva Junior, Breno Freitas da Silva, Flaviane Ramos de Jesus Silva, Otanea Brito de Oliveira

    Exploring Cocoa Honey-Based Drinks: A Technical-Scientific Mapping Perspective 
    Layla Lopes dos Santos de Oliveira, Tatiana Oliveira do Vale, Letícia de Alencar Pereira Rodrigues

    Biology-Inspired Innovations in Soft Robotics for Efficient Locomotion
    Tiago Sant’Anna, Lucas Silva

    Leveraging Artificial Intelligence in Contracting: A Digital Transformation for Public Institutions
    Helton Souza da Cunha, Fabíola Lopes Caetano Machado, Xisto Lucas Travassos Junior, Cristiano Vasconcellos Ferreira

    Fire Safety Performance of Wall Systems 
    Ryan Carvalho, Moisés Silva, Mariana Novaes, Marianna Rivetti, Ariane Rubin, Adriano Puglia, Juliana Guerreiro, Luciano Pisanu, João Jesus

    Case Study

    Analysis of Equipments' Maintenance in a Production Line: Corrective and Preventive Approach: A Case Study in a Pharmaceuthical Industry
    Johnderson Nogueira de Carvalho, Dr. Felipe Rodrigues da Silva, Erick Giovani Sperandio Nascimento


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  • Journal of Bioengineering, Technologies and Health
    Vol 7 No 1 (2024)

    Original Articles

    Resistance Assessment as a Strategy to Increase the Adoption of Electronic Laboratory Notebooks
    Fabíola Lopes Caetano Machado, Ivanete Milagres Presot, Camila de Sousa Pereira Guizzo, Xisto Lucas Travassos Junior

    Influence of Starch on the Biodegradability of AGENACOMP®
    Vitor Almeida de Novaes Galvão, Luis Victor Rocha dos Santos, Marco Aurélio Silveira, Ana Paula Bispo Gonçalves, Paulo Romano Cruz Correia, Josiane Dantas Viana Barbosa, Luciano Pisanu

    Application of Coffee Production Waste to Obtain Composites with Biopolimeric Matrix of PBS and ECOVIO
    Talyta Silva Prado, Paulo Romano Cruz Correia, Ana Paula Bispo Gonçalves, Josiane Dantas Viana Barbosa, Luciano Pisanu

    Fractional and Chemical Characterization of Green Coconut Fiber Bio-Oil Using Fast-GC×GC/TOFMS) 
    Rafael de Oliveira Farrapeira, Yasmine Andrade Braga, Jaderson Kleveston Schneider, Carin von Muhlen, Elina Bastos Caramão

    Analysis of Plant Extracts' Influence on Coriander Plant Development (Coriandrum sativum): Exploring Potential for Improvement
    Ary Rocha Bezerra, Giovanna Cardoso da Silva Passos, Irma do Nascimento Gomes, Erica Patricia Lima Pereira, Gisele Gonçalves Chagas de Oliveira, Tatiana Oliveira do Vale

    Potential Oil Production of Chlorella vulgaris Microalgae Cultivated in Vinasse
    Alice Liberato Figueiredo da Silva, Baden Peres Homem, Camila da Luz Nascimento, Ingrid Lessa Leal, Roseane Santos Oliveira, Tatiana Oliveira do Vale
    Design, Manufacturing and Testing of a Two-Wheeled Self-Balancing Robot
    Lucas Lins Souza, Matheus Henrique Nunes França

    Product Development to Improve and Automate Orchard Fruit Handling
    Gláucio Bessa Oliveira, Bruno de Paulo Silva, Bruno Falcon Silveira, João Ricardo Lima de Oliveira, Priscila Coutinho Miranda, Valter Estevão Beal

    Optical Fibers Characterization for Macrobending Sensors 
    Maria Eduarda Benfica Gonçalves, Ciro Matheus de Lima Costa, Rafael Andrade Vieira, Jessica Guerreiro Santos Ramalho, Valéria Loureiro da Silva

    Systematic Review / Review Articles

    Sensorial Investigation for Automated Patient Data Collection in Hospital Triage: An Exploratory Assessment of the Literature 
    Victor Guerra de Araújo e Souza, Ana Luiza Cantharino Maciel, Vitor Yan Miranda Basañez, Thâmara Raíssa Monteiro Lins

    Prospective Strategies to Enhance Resilience for Public Emergencies Preparedness: A Human Resources Management Perspective
    Tathiana de Mello Sampaio, Alex Santos Príncipe, Misael Sousa de Araujo

    Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) as a Facilitator of Organizational Culture for the Implementation of Key Indicators (KPIs) 
    Nelson Mendes Nunes, Ana Paula Bernardo Mendonça, José Orbílio de Souza Abreu, Katharine Valéria Saraiva Hodel, Bruna Aparecida Souza Machado, Fernando Medina

    Enhancing Anaerobic Digestion Process: A Comprehensive Optimization Study
    Camila Santos Oliveira, Luciano Sergio Hocevar, Jadiel dos Santos Pereira, Felipe Andrade Torres, Carine Tondo Alves

    Characterization of Sludge for Biogas Production Using Anaerobic Digestion: A Literature Review Approach
    Evily Ribeiro Moura, Val Machado, Luciano Sergio Hocevar, Jadiel dos Santos Pereira, Felipe Andrade Torres, Carine Tondo Alves

    Development of Hydrophobic Fabrics Modified with Graphene: A Systematic Review)
    Rodrigo Denizarte de Oliveira Polkowski, Pollyana Silva Melo, Leonardo Freitas, Katielly Vianna Polkowski Machado, Fernando Medina

    Polymeric Walls: Technologies and Fire Safety in Non-Conventional Building Systems
    Moisés Silva, Ryan Carvalho, Mariana Novaes, Ariane Rubin, Adriano Puglia, Juliana Guerreiro, Luciano Pisanu, João Jesus

    Case Study

    Challenges of Innovation in the Health Economic-Industrial Complex: A Case Study on Implementation of Research Results in a Brazilian Science and Technology Institution
    Marcelo Santos Ramos, Ângela Maria Andrade Scavuzzia, Daniela Cerqueira Moraes, Valdeyer Galvão dos Reis, Camila de Sousa Pereira-Guizzo


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  • Journal of Bioengineering, Technologies and Health
    Vol 6 No Suppl2 (2023)

    Automated Identification of Ectatomma edentatum (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) using Supervised Algorithms
    Amanda Araujo de Jesus Santos, Julio Oliveira Silva, Deise Machado Lima, Vagner Viana Araujo, Jacques Hubert Charles Delabie, Eltamara Souza Conceição

    Functional Groups of Terrestrial Invertebrates in the Leaf Litter of Atlantic Forest (Bahia, Brazil)
    Cristina Vasconcelos Santos, Maria Dolores Ribeiro Orge, Jordana Gabriela Barreto de Sá, Ueverton Santos Neves, Everton Vitor Almeida Monville, Joelma Araujo dos Santos

    Evaluation of LSTM and Wavelet Methods for Wind Speed Forecasting in Bahia, Brazil
    Marcos Antônio Felipe Santos, Maria Cristina Cunha de Oliveira Carvalho, Marcos Batista Figueredo

    SMLP Neural Networks in Sex Classification of a High Commercial Fish on the Artisanal Fisheries in Brazil
    Tailon Carvalho de Cerqueira, Iramaia de Santana

    A Model that Establishes a Parallel Behave Between Varying Chemicals and the Presence of Microplastics in the Ocean
    Rebeca Souza dos Santos, Marley Oliveira de Souza, Emanuel Brasilino de Santana

    Finite Element Analysis of Polymeric Matrix Composites with Sisal Fiber Reinforcement
    Tiago Luis Santos Silva, Genilson Cunha de Oliveira Filho, Alexandre do Nascimento Silva

    Applications of the Information Dimension in Detecting Border Perturbations
    Soraia Bitencourt Carvalho, Antônio Teófilo A. Nascimento

    Process Mining in Sepsis Treatment Management: A Step-by-Step Approach to Discovery
    Eugênio Rocha da Silva Júnior, Uanderson Lima Santos, Marcos Batista Figueredo

    Review Article

    Environmental Impacts of Inadequate Disposal of Heavy Metals in Soil, Water, and Air
    Nalisson de Jesus Santos, Flávio Pietrobon Costa, Alexandre do Nascimento Silva

    Case Reports

    Water Temperature Model: A Case Study in AlagoinhasBA
    Carmen Gonçalves de Macêdo e Silva, Marcos Batista Figueredo

    Route Optimization with a Traveling Salesperson Tool in Python Language: A Case Study in a Vegetable Oil Collection Company
    Eliomar de Almeida Santana, Alexandre do Nascimento Silva

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  • Journal of Bioengineering, Technologies and Health
    Vol 6 No 4 (2023)

    Original Articles

    Prediction of Pancreatic Cancer Through Biomarkers Using Machine Learning Techniques: An Approach for Early Diagnosis 
    Bianca L.S.M. Cardoso, João Vitor S. Mendes

    Knowledge Translation in One Health: Actions for Strengthening the Health System 
    Ana Beatriz Nascimento Ayres, Ana Paula Pinto Cavalcanti, Márcio Aldrin França Cavalcante, Renelson Ribeiro Sampaio, Xisto Lucas Travassos, Thiago Barros Murari, Cristiano Vasconcelos Ferreira

    Production of Polycaprolactone/Hidroxyapatite Scaffold for Application in Tissue Engineering 
    Joanne G. A. Mendes, João Pedro de A. Caribé, Adillys M. da C. Santos, Willams T. Barbosa, Josiane D. V. Barbosa, Luis Alberto Loureiro dos Santos, Liciane Sabadin Bertol, Imarally V. de S.R. Nascimento

    Benefits of Using Information and Communication Technology in the Control of Residues in Medicine Production Within Public Organizations: A Sustainability Practice 
    Cristina Conceição Rocha Guedes, Charles da Silva Bezerra, Maria de Lourdes Ferraz Heleodoro, Aloisio Santos Nascimento Filho

    Development of an Educational Alarm System: Study of IEC 60601-1-8:2022 - Alarm Systems in Electromedical Equipments 
    José Santos Damasceno, Pedro Quadros Freitas, Noemi Araújo Esquivel da Silva, Saulo Oliveira Santos, Maria Eduarda Lopes de M. Brito, João Bartolomeu dos Santos Júnior, Vitor Yan Miranda Basañeza, Edmar Soares da Silva, Gabriel Barreto Teles Fonseca, Ciro Oliveira Fialho

    The Use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is Customer Service Process in the Pharmaceutical Industry: A Case Study in Public Laboratories 
    Alba Lucia Silva do Nascimento, Johnderson Nogueira de Carvalho, Josiane Machado Vieira Mattoso, Josiane Dantas Viana Barbosa, Roberto José da Silva Badaró, Erick Giovani Sperandio Nascimento, Felipe Rodrigues da Silva, Jeancarlo Pereira dos Anjos, Leticia de Alencar Pereira Rodrigues, Marcelo Luiz Lima Brandão

    Object Identification for Visually Impaired 
    Michell Thompson Ferreira Santiago, Marcus Vinicius Barros Faria, Marcos Vinicius Pinto Malvar, Luccas Oliveira Nascimento

    Automatised Bioreactor to Produce Biogas from Biomass: Development and Evaluation 
    Carine Tondo Alves, Leandro Freitas Sales, Luciano Sergio Hocevar, Jadiel dos Santos Pereira, Felipe Andrade Torres

    Evaluation of Lignocellulosic Biomasses for Pyrolysis Product Generation 
    Meire Ane Pitta da Costa, Valter Doria Rocha Neto, Maria Karolaine Barbosa de Matos, Paula Cecília Tavares Santos, Roberta Menezes Santos, Silvânio Silvério Lopes da Costa, Lisiane dos Santos Freitas

    Production and Characterization of Bio-Oil from Cassava Peel 
    Ana Nadja Lopes Lucas, Iuri Dantas Passos da Mota, Jaderson Kleveston Schneider, Thiago Rodrigues Bjerk, Elina Bastos Caramão

    Evaluation of Biosurfactant Production by Bacillus subtilis Using Glycerol 
    Sergio Santos Silva Junior, Arthur Gonçalves Dias Santos, Sthefany Ribeiro dos Santos, Ana Lucia Barbosa de Souza, Hendor Neves Ribeiro de Jesus, Tatiana Oliveira do Vale

    Potential Application of Bacterial Lipase from Bacillus subtilis in the Production of Biodisel 
    Gabriele Marques dos Santos, Davi de Freitas Schuenemann, João Pedro Silva Santana, Fábio Alexandre Chinalia, Tatiana Oliveira do Vale

    Preliminary Assessment of Fuel Spill Effects Utilizing Daphnia similis as a Test Organism 
    Adriano Carvalho Simões Guimarães, Clara Rodrigues Pereira, Eliete Costa Alves, Edna dos Santos Almeida, Lilian Lefol Nani Guarieiro

    Use of Biomass from Beached Algae of the Genus Caulerpa to Obtain the Alkaloid Caulerpin 
    Tiago Tosta Alves Cruz, Sabrina Teixeira Martinez

    Technological Prospection and Development of Smart Film with Phytochemical Actives such Curcuma longa L
    Fabiany Cruz Gonzaga, Helder Barbosa de Souza, Cristiane Patricia Oliveira, Robson Almeida Silva

    Study and Characterization of Vanilla Pods Tahitensis Species for Characterization for Future Application in Products Derived from Vanilla in natura 
    Emanuele Santana Bispo dos Santos, Thâmilla Thalline Batista de Oliveira, Ingrid Lessa Leal, Aderbal de Castro, Eliete Costa Alves, Tatiana Barreto Rocha Nery, Ana Lucia Barbosa de Souza

    Evaluation of Torrefaction on the Quality of Bio-Oil Obtained by Pyrolisis of Green Coconut Wastes 
    Yasmine Braga Andrade, Rafael de Oliveira Farrapeira, Jaderson Kleveston Schneider, Allan dos Santos Pollidoro, Lisiane Santos Freitas, Cleide Mara Faria Soares, Elina Bastos Caramão

    Extraction of Antioxidant Compounds from Eugenia uniflora L. Leaves by Energized Dispersive Guided (EDGE) System 
    Paulo Natan Alves dos Santos, Allan dos Santos Polidoro, Anaí Loreiro dos Santos, Elina Bastos Caramão

    Priority Areas Evaluation for Green Hydrogen Production Implementation in Bahia 
    Lucas Sarmento Neves da Rocha, Edna dos Santos Almeida, Naiara Mota dos Santos, Bruno Leonardo Santos Menezes

    Thermodynamic Modeling and Performance Evaluation of Absorption Refrigeration System with Graphene Nanofluid 
    Victor Emanuel Bitencourt Machado,Welesy Santos Argolo, Laise Matias de Melo, Felipe Andrade Torres, Carlos Marlon Silva Santos

    Systematic Review / Review Articles

    The Role of Social Skills in Work Engagement and Burnout: A Systematic Review  
    Fernando Victor Cavalcante, Michelle de Andrade Souza Diniz Salles, Camilla de Sousa Pereira-Guizzo, Thaís Afonso Andrade, Beatriz Quiroz Villardi

    Organizational Culture and Emotionality in Knowledge-Intensive Organizations in Health: A Systematic Literature Review 
    Michelle de Andrade Souza Diniz Salles, Fernando Victor Cavalcante, Camilla de Sousa Pereira-Guizzo, Beatriz Quiroz Villardi

    Assistive Technologies for the Deaf: A Study of the Search for Indexed Patents at the Brazilian National Institute of Industrial Property 
    Aline da Cruz Porto Silva, Aloísio S. Nascimento Filho

    Analysis of Inter-institucional Cooperation Practices for Science, Technology, and Innovation in Health 
    Márcio Amorim Feitoza, Carlos Eduardo de Andrade Lima da Rocha, Herman Augusto Lepikson

    Modernizing Occupational Safety in Industry 4.0: A Review of State-of-the-Art Safety Wearables 
    Maria Julia Novaes Cerqueira, Pedro Becker Pozzi, Luiggi Cavalcanti Pessôa

    Study of the Main Factors Responsible for the Phenomenon of Self-Combustion Observed in Solid Biomass Waste Piles 
    Daniel Brito dos Santos, Roberto Batista da Silva Junior, Alexandre dos Santos Machado, Paulo Victor Rocha Brandão, Fernanda Miranda Torres Paiva, Otanéa Brito de Oliveira

    Study of Oil and Gas Prospecting Techniques: A Review 
    Guilherme Brandão da Cunha, Lilian Lefol Nani Guarieiro

    Hydrophobic Polymer/Graphene and Derivatives Based Nanocomposites: A Systematic Review 
    Débora Abrantes Leal, Rodrigo Denizarte de Oliveira Polkowski, Pollyana Silva Melo, Katiellly Vianna Polkowski


    Instructions for Authors

    Statement of Editorial Policy

    Checklist for Submitted Manuscripts

  • Journal of Bioengineering, Technologies and Health
    Vol 6 No 3 (2023)

    Original Articles

    Aphasia Rehabilitation: Decision Support Model
    Claudia Simões Pinto da Cunha Lima, Jeferson Andris Lima Lopes, Victor Mascarenhas de Andrade Souza, Sarah Leite Barros da Silva, Ingrid Winkler5, Valter de Senna

    Cell Acquisition Method Validation by Flow Cytometry for MCTI CIMATEC HDT RNA Vaccine Immunogenicity Evaluation Against SARS-CoV-2
    Elen Azevedo da Costa, Carlos Augusto Oliveira Júnior, Alana Costa de Oliveira, Emanuelle de Souza Santos, Milena
    Botelho Pereira Soares, Bruna Aparecida Souza Machado

    Technology Transfer in Vaccine Production: Implementation of Physical-Chemical Quality Control and Sodium Hydroxide Purity Analysis
    Camila Carane Bitencourt Brito, Rodrigo Souza Conceição, Bruna Aparecida Souza Machado

    3D Bioprinting and Characterization of Bioinks with Different Concentrations of Hyaluronic Acid Methacrylate (AHMA)
    Caio Athayde de Oliva, Arthur João Reis Lima Rodovalho, Leonardo Santana Ramos Oliveira, Lucca Ribeiro Alves, Willams Teles Barbosa, Ana Paula Bispo Gonçalves, Jaqueline Leite Vieira, Paulo Romano Cruz Correia, Milena
    Botelho Pereira Soares, Josiane Dantas Viana Barbosa

    Study on the Technical and Economic Viability of a Polygeneration Energy System Applied to a Hospital Unit in Bahia’s Countryside, Brazil
    Pedro Freire de Carvalho Paes Cardoso, Turan Dias Oliveira, Alex Álisson Bandeira Santos

    Biomass from Beached Algae of the Genus Caulerpa to Obtain the Alkaloid Caulerpin
    Tiago Tosta Alves Cruz, Jailson Bittencourt de Andrade, Sabrina Teixeira Martinez

    Comparison of Primary Energy Consumption Between Additive Manufacturing Processes and CNC Machining Applied to Components in the Oil and Gas Sector
    Joyce Mara Brito Maia, Samuel Alex Sipert Miranda, Rodrigo Santiago Coelho

    Cloud Computing Application for Digital Integration Between an Advanced Manufacturing Plant and a Model 4.0 Factory 
    João Vitor Mendes Pinto dos Santos, Thamiles Rodrigues de Melo

    Application of Generative Autoencoders in the Detection of Anomalies in Hypercompressors
    Zoroastro Fernandes Filho, Alex Álisson Bandeira Santos

    Systematic Review / Review Articles

    Production of the Scaffold Using 3D Bioprinting Applied to the Biomedical Area:A Bibliometric Study 
    Ana Paula Bispo Gonçalves, Willams Teles Barbosa, Jaqueline Leite Vieira, Josiane Dantas Viana Barbosa, Milena
    Botelho Pereira Soares

    Diagnostic Tests, Vaccination and SUS: Analysis of Brazilian Measures to Address the COVID-19 Pandemic
    Jéssica Rebouças Silva, Katharine Valéria Saraiva Hodel, Bruna Aparecida Souza Machado

    Technological Prospection and Flowchart for Production of Biogas Enriched with Hydrogen: A Proposal for Renewable Energy Sources
    Larissa Sousa Cardeal de Miranda, Fernando Luiz Pellegrini Pessoa, Ana Lucia Barbosa de Souza

    Instructions for Authors

    Statement of Editorial Policy

    Checklist for Submitted Manuscripts

  • Journal of Bioengineering, Technologies and HealtH
    Vol 6 No 2 (2023)

    Original Articles

    Extracellular Vesicles Derived From Mesenchymal Stem Cells with Therapeutic Potential: Isolation and Characterization
    Laura Maria Mota do Rio Bamar, Danielle Devequi Gomes Nunes, Milena Botelho Pereira Soares

    Cultivation of Daphnia similis Species in Standard Conditions
    Clara Rodrigues Pereira, Eliete Costa Alves, Adriano Carvalho Simões Guimarães, Edna dos Santos Almeida, Lílian Lefol Nani Guarieiro

    Four Different Cryoprotectors in Preservation of Staphylococcus aureus 
    Ana Verena Pimentel Leal de Moraes Rego, Maíra dos Santos Silva, Rodrigo Souza Conceição, Bruna Aparecida Souza Machado

    Separation of Cellulose Nanocrystals from Bromelia (Neoglaziovia variegate) Fibers Using Ionic Liquids Based on Hydrogen Sulfate Anion 
    Ana Paula Bispo Gonçalves, Emanoel Oliveira, Mariana Souza, Fábio Costa, Cleidiene Miranda, Paulo Romano Correia, Silvana Mattedi, Nadia José

    Environmental Audit in the Solid Waste Collection Process in Military Organizations of the Brazilian Air Force 
    Silvana Carvalho Paranhos, Carlos César Ribeiro Santo Leticia de Alencar Pereira Rodrigues, Josiane Dantas Viana, Jonata Souza dos Santos

    Computer Vision-Based Hand Baggage Inspection System 
    Marcelo Albergaria Paulino Fernandes Ferreira, Oberdan Pinheiro Rocha 

    Magnetic Omnidirectional Wheel for Ferromagnetic Surface Cleaning Robots 
    Luis Fellipe Lopez de Carvalho, Rafael Cerqueira Di Paolo, Valter Estevão Beal

    Industry 4.0 Technological Elements Applied to Steam Distillation 
    Carlos Alberto Tosta Machado, Herman Augusto Lepikson

    Soiling in Photovoltaic Systems and the Negative Effects of Unpreventive Maintenance 
    Aline Maria de Jesus Rodrigues, Thamiles Rodrigues de Melo, Valéria Loureiro da Silva

    Systematic Review / Review Articles

    Decline of COVID-19 Pandemic: Impacts of Vaccination in Brazil  
    Helena Souza da Hora, Larissa Moraes dos Santos Fonseca, Bruna Aparecida Souza Machado

    Comparison and Validation of Cryopreservation Methods of Candida Genus Fungi: A Brief Review 
    Maria Eduarda Lima Costa, Letícia de Alencar Pereira Rodrigues, Maira dos Santos Silva

    Application of Residual Fibers of Polyethylene Terephthalate - PET in Structural Composites: A Systematic Review 
    Marina Reis de Andrade, Joyce Batista Azevedo, Rosana Lopes Fialho

    The Residue of Palm Oil from Frying Acarajé and Circular Economy 
    Edna Maria Nunes, Valdir Silva da Conceição, Dayana Ferraz Silva, Angela Machado Rocha, Neila de Paula Pereira, Valdir Silva da Conceição Júnior

    The Use of Hydrogen in the Production of Fuels and Additives for Internal Combustion Engines 
    Pedro Bancillon Ventin Muniz, Felipe Andrade Torres, Ednildo Andrade Torres

    Case Reports

    Application of Lean Manufacturing Philosophy to Improve Occupational Safety Results in a Mining Company 
    Elida Maria Rafachine, Fellipe Breno Bergamini, Luiz Gustavo Gobbi Firmino, Carlos César Ribeiro Santos, Jonata Souza Santos


    Instructions for Authors


    Statement of Editorial Policy


    Checklist for Submitted Manuscripts

  • Journal of Bioengineering, Technologies and Health
    Vol 6 No 1 (2023)

    Original Articles

    Influence of Calcium Carbonate Concentration on the Properties of Polypropylene Stretched Flat Tapes Used in Raffia Packaging
    Joyce Batista Azevedo, Benjamin Lazarus, Rosindo Pereira Lobo Junior, Willams Teles Barbosa, Luã Fonseca Seixas, Josiane Dantas Viana Barbosa

    Chemical Evaluation and Probiotic Potential of Kefir Different Nutrient Media 
    Suzana Casaes de Jesus Teodoro, Matheus Chaves de Jesus, Crissia dos Santos Rocha, Roseane Santos Oliveira, Ingrid Lessa Leal

    The Increase of Wearables’ Number in Health: A Market Study 
    Maely Guilherme Botelho Coelho Filho, Thiago Cardoso Maia, Carlos Augusto Bispo Dias, João Carlos Fregonazzi Tavares, Rayane Cremasco Martins, Thamiles Rodrigues de Melo, Valéria Loureiro da Silva, Valter Estevão Beal

    Study of the Technical-Economic Feasibility of a Pyrolysis/Gasification Plant for the Generation of Liquid Gas Fuels from Plastic Waste 
    Hugo Gomes D’Amato Villardi, Fabiano Ferreira de Medeiros, Fernando Luiz Pellegrini Pessoa, Jailson Bittencourt de Andrade, Alex Álisson Bandeira Santos

    Social Technology for Local Recycling of Plastic: An Example of Circular Economy 
    Adriano Puglia Lima, Rosana Lopes Lima Fialho, Paulo Alberto Paes Gomes

    Mechanical Properties of PBAT/STARCH Films Submitted to Accelerated Weathering 
    Fernando de Alencar Silva Martinez, Ana Paula Bispo Gonçalves, Michele Damiana Mota Martins, Paulo Romano Cruz Correia, Luciano Pisanu

    Life Cycle Assessment of Linear Alkylbenzene Sulfonate Production: An Adaptation to the Brazilian Context 
    Óliver Silva Costa Barreto, Jony Cley Rodrigues da Silva Cruz, Diego Lima Medeiros, Edna dos Santos Almeida 

    Copernicus Program: Artificial Intelligence in Cultural Heritage 
    Janaina Cardoso de Mello

    Path Planning Comparison Strategies for Mobile Robot Navigation 
    Anderson F. de S. Lima, Marcella G. S. dos Santos, João V. S. Mendes, Matheus A. da Silva, Marco A. dos Reisa

    Statistical Study

    Chi² Test to Determine the Cut-Off Value for Anomalies Detection with Mahalanobis Distance 
    João Felipe de Araújo Caldas, Caique Augusto Cardoso de Moraes, Flávio Santos Conterato

    Systematic Review / Review Articles

    Plastic Recycling Feasibility with the Triple-Layered Business Model Canvas
    Oscar Chamberlain, Yago Araujo Vieira, Alessandra da Rocha Duailibe Monteiro

    Evaluation of the Store Potential of Green Hydrogen in Bahia 
    Maíra Silva Andrade, Carolina Sacramento Vieira, Vitório Donato

    Prospecting Adsortion Technologies for Carbon Capture 
    Lucas Meireles Fontes, Gabriel de Veiga Cabral Malgaresi, Reinaldo Coelho Mirre

    Graphene-Based Polymer Nanocomposites Preparation and Their Advantages 
    Felipe Valente Santos Fiscina, Ricardo de Ferreira Cavalcanti de Albuquerque, Lilian Lefol Nani Guarieiro

    CO2 Separation Process of NaturalGas Streams by Membrane Permeation: Technological and Operational Approach 
    Fernanda dos Santos Cardoso, Gabriel de Veiga Cabral Malgaresi, Reinaldo Coelho Mirre

    A Literature Review of Additive Manufacturing in the Fabrication of Soft Robots: Main Techniques, Applications, and Related Industrial-Sized Machines 
    Rafael Santana Queiroz, Lucas Marins Batista, Miguel Felipe Nery Vieira, Lucas Cruz da Silva, Bruno Caetano dos Santos Silva, Rodrigo Santiago Coelho

    Case Reports

    Knowledge Management: A Case Study in a Construction Company 
    Mário Joel Ramos Júnior, Priscila Coutinho Miranda, Eric Vostal Hausner, Renelson Ribeiro Sampaio

    Project Management Best Practices in the Implementation of a Quality Management System (QMS) in an Environmental Analysis Laboratory 
    Valesca Eda Oliveira de Souza, Rosana Vieira Albuquerque


  • Journal of Bioengineering, Technologies and Health
    Vol 6 No Suppl1 (2023)

    International Congress in Geophysics and High-Performance Computing (ICGHP22)

    Advanced Technologies in HPC and Quantum Computing Applied in the Oil and Gas Industry


    Optimization of a Geophysical Application in GPU Through the Loop Tiling Technique
    Gabriel Pinheiro da Costa, Murilo Boratto, Marcelo Oliveira da Silva, João Henrique Speglich

    Forward and Adjoint Modeling of Three Viscoacoustic Equations Based on Rheological Models Using DEVITO 
    Laian de M. Silva, Peterson Nogueira, Laue R. de Jesus

    Enhancing DEVITO GPU Allocator Using Unified Memory by NVIDIA
    Gustavo Araujo Alvaro Coelho, Atila Saraiva Quintela Soares, João Henrique Speglich, Marcelo Oliveira da Silva

    A Comparison Between Different Solutions for the Marchenko Multiple Eliminations Scheme
    Rodrigo S. Santos, Daniel E. Revelo, Reynam C. Pestana, Marcelo S. Souza, Victor Koehne, Diego F. Barrera, Jonathas

    Tuning a CPU-Based Stencil Computation in a DPC++ Multi-Device Environment
    Tiago Conceição Oliveira, Murilo Boratto, Antônio Horácio Rodrigues, Orlando Mota Pires, Leonardo Rodrigues Soares


    Ministério da Ciência, Tecnilogia e Inovações



    PRH 27.1


    Laboratório Nacional de Computação Científica

    Programa de Recursos Humanos da ANP

  • Journal of Bioengineering, Technologies and Health
    Vol 5 No 4 (2022)

    Original Articles

    Influence of Lightpipes on Readers for Microtubes Fluorescence Detection
    Eduardo de Araujo Rocha, Clara Mariah Loureiro da Silva, Valmara Silveira Ponte, Valéria Loureiro da Silva, Vinicius
    Pinto Rocha, Milena Botelho Pereira Soares

    A Robotic Platform for Assistance in the Medical Triage Process
    João Gabriel da A. Calmon, Victor Guerra de Araújo e Souza, Caio Athayde de Oliva, Ruan Utah Fraga de Carvalho

    SECI Model Guides the Generation and Diffusion of Knowledge in the Developing of an Innovative Product at a Small Science and Technology Institute
    Amanda da Costa Marques, Gláucio Bessa Oliveira, Meire Jane Lima de Oliveira, Renelson R. Sampaio

    Ethanol Extract of Passiflora cincinnata Seeds Posses Antidiabetic, Antiglycant, and Antioxidant Activities in vitro 
    Flávia Adaís Rocha dos Santos, Elaine Luiza Santos Soares de Mendonça, Felipe Cabral da Silva, Jadriane de Almeida Xavier, J.P. Jose Merlin, Marília Oliveira Fonseca Goulart, H.P. Vasantha Rupasinghe

    Carbon Footprint of Hydrothermal Liquefaction of Microalgae Biomass Cultivated in Availability and Limitation of Nutrients
    Lorena Rodrigues Cunha, Diego Lima Medeiros, Ícaro Thiago Andrade Moreira

    Temperature Effect in the Babassu (Orbignya speciosa) Oil: A Physico-Chemical Study
    Rebecca da Silva Andrade, Marta Andrade Pires, Miguel Angel Iglesias Duro

    Study of the Photophysical Properties of Carbon Dots Derived from Banana Peels from Different Cities Used to Produce Ink and Film Fluorescence
    Livia E. da Silva, Orlando Lucas de L. Calado, Cintya D.A. do E.S. Barbosa

    Theobroma Cacao: An Evaluation of Enzyme Treatment with Pectin in the Pulping of Cocoa
    Pedro Henrique Cruz de Souza, Gabriele de Abreu Barreto, Ingrid Lessa Leal, Leticia de Alencar Pereira

    Rainwater Reuse at the Gonçalo Moniz Institute – FIOCRUZ-BA
    Carlos Letácio S.L. da Silva, Roni Dias Vinhas, Edna dos Santos Almeida, Bruna Aparecida Souza Machado

    A Multi-Layer Perceptron Model for Underwater Object Recognition
    Igor Vilas-Bôas Silveira, Roberto Monteiro, Oberdan Pinheiro Rocha, Alex Álisson Bandeira Santos

    Jabuti Project: Maze Solver Micromouse Robot
    Ana Luiza Cantharino Maciel, Maria Eduarda Benfica Gonçalves, Vítor YanMiranda Basañez, João Vitor Silva

    Statistical Study

    Statistical Study of Eco-Efficiency in Compact and Average Cars (Chevrolet, Ford, VW, Fiat, Renault) in Brazil Based on the Metro Table in 2019 
    André Luis Pires Wenceslau Soares, Adrian Widmer, Gabriel Souza Dunkel, Joseph Samuel Neiva, Orlando Mota Pires,
    Aloisio Santos Nascimento Filho

    Systematic Review / Review Articles

    Signal Acquisition Methods for Vital and Nonvital Parameters in Electronic Health Devices: A Scoping Review
    Thiago Cardoso Maia, Maely Guilherme Botelho Coelho Filho, Yasmim Batista Oliveira, Luiza Zanoni Barbi, Thamiles Rodrigues de Melo, Valter Estevão Beal, Valéria Loureiro da Silva

    Renegotiations and Disallowances by Health Board for Medical-Hospital Care and High-Cost Procedures from Brazilian Army Health System in 2021
    Wagner Elpídio do Nascimento, Carlos César Ribeiro Santos, Letícia de Alencar Pereira Rodrigues, Jonata Souza dos Santos

    Water Resources and the Brazilian Electrical Matrix 
    Carine Tondo Alves, Luciano Sergio Hocevar, Jadiel dos Santos Pereira, Maria Cândida Arrais de Miranda Mousinho

    Technologies Involved in the Material Storage Processes
    Daniel Rodrigues dos Santos, Carlos César Ribeiro Santos, Vitória Almeida de Araújo, Leandro Henrique Araújo

    Ethics Applied to Development in Robotics 
    Tiago B. Sant’Anna, Marco A. dos Reis, Roberto L.S. Monteiro

    A Survey on Humanoids Robots: Perception, Mechanism, and Control
    Juliana Maria S. de Santana, Vagner dos S. da Silva, João Gabriel da A. Calmon, Marco A. dos Reis, Roberto L.S. Monteiro

    Virtual Reality Applied to Product Development in the Oil and Gas Industry: A Brief Review
    Luiz Gutemberg Santiago Dias Junior, Cristiano Vasconcellos Ferreira, Ingrid Winkler

    Hydrogen Production via SMR with Carbon Capture: A Bibliometric Analysis
    Jade Spinola Ávila, Julio Augusto Mendes da Silva, Fernando Luiz Pellegrini Pessoa, Petrucio Leal Pereira

    Techniques Used for Determining the Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil Presence in Diesel
    Fabio de Sousa Santos, Marcelo A. Moret, Lilian Lefol Nani Guarieiro

    Instructions for Authors

    Statement of Editorial Policy

    Checklist for Submitted Manuscripts

  • Journal of Bioengineering, Technologies and Health
    Vol 5 No 3 (2022)


    Original Articles

    Characterization of Polyvinyl Butyral and Sentryglas® Polymers Used as Interlayers in Laminated Glass
    Gislana Santana Machado, Willams Teles Barbosa, Josiane Dantas Viana Barbosa
    Computational Model for Photovoltaic Solar

    Energy Forecasting Based on the K-Nearest Neighbor Method
    Alexandre Menezes da Silva, Oberdan Pinheiro Rocha, Alex Álisson Bandeira Santos

    Redesign of a Hydraulic Manifold in Additive Manufacturing for Application in a Cleaning and Inspection Robot
    Luis Fellipe Lopez de Carvalho, Luana Seixas Andril Araújo, Valter Estevão Beal, Rafael Tobio Claro, Juan Carlos Romero Albino

    Experimental Study of Oil Deposition Using a Deposition Simulator (HLPS - Hot Liquid Process Simulator)
    Hugo Gomes D’Amato Villardi, Lucas Cunha Orrico, Ana Lucia Barbosa de Souza, Antonio Rimaci Miguel Junior, Fernando Luiz Pellegrini Pessoa

    Review Articles

    Selection of Internet of Things Based Communication Networks for Onshore Oil Field Monitoring
    Amanda Bandeira Aragão Rigaud Lima, Danielle Mascarenhas dos Santos, João Vitor Silva Mendes, Adeilson de Sousa Silva, Herman Augusto Lepikson

    Technological Prospecting for Enhanced Oil Recovery Methods in Onshore Scenarios for the Brazilian Field Application – A Literature Review
    Thaylanne Kadman Costa Duarte, Gabriel Malgaresi, Fernando Luiz Pellegrini Pessoa

    Technologies for Air Conditioning Powered by Alternative Energy Sources: A Brief Review
    Ana Caroline Neves dos Santos, Alex Álisson Bandeira Santos

    2D Image Object Detection Aided by Generative Adversarial Networks: A Literature Review
    Caio Vinicius Bertolini, Roberto Monteiro

    Instructions for Authors

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    Checklist for Submitted Manuscripts

  • Journal of Bioengineering, Technologies and Health
    Vol 5 No 2 (2022)


    New Approaches of JBT Dunaliella salina Biorefinary: An Evaluation of the State-of-the-Art
    Stephanie de Melo Santana, Ana Lucia Barbosa de Souza, Fernando Luiz Pellegrini Pessoa

    Original Articles

    Computational Model for Eletrical Motors Condition Analysis and Monitoring
    Álvaro Souza de Melo, Oberdan Pinheiro Rocha, Alex Álisson Bandeira Santos

    Influence of the Driver Profile on the Autonomy of Electric Vehicles
    Cleovano Gonçalves Batista, Thomaz Barros de Carvalho Prado, Júlio César Chaves Câmara, Lilian Lefol Nani Guarieiro

    Technical Feasibility Analysis of the Patent Ondomotric Energy Generations System With Code BR 10 2016 016119 3 A2 
    Kelson Mascarenhas Cirne, Gabriel Pereira Ugucioni Rocha, Alex Álisson Bandeira Santos

    Comparison of Models for Wind Speed Prediction Through Neural Networks in Lençóis, Bahia 
    Daniel Guimarães Silva, Diogo Nunes da Silva Ramos, Amanda Santana Lins Bispo, Lian Filipe Santana Nascimento, Yuri de Jesus Gomes, Flávio Santos Conterato

    Modeling of and Extreme Flooding Event in the Amazon Basin Using the WRF-Hydro Model 
    Carolina Sacramento Vieira, José Roberto Dantas da Silva, Daniel Guimarães Silva, Filipe Milani de Souza, Diogo Nunes da Silva Ramos, Yasmin Kaore Lago Kitagawa, Davidson Martins Moreira

    Precipitation Simulation Using the WRF-Hydro Model in the Matopiba Region 
    Daniel Guimarães Silva, Diogo Nunes da Silva Ramos, Filipe Milani de Souza, José Roberto Dantas da Silva Júnior, Yasmin Kaore Lago Kitagawa, Davidson Martins Moreira

    Review Articles

    Building Information Modeling Integrated With Life Cycle Analysis in Plumbing Projects: A Preliminary Systematic Review 
    Diogenes Oliveira Senna, Larissa da Silva Paes Cardoso, Alex Álisson Bandeira Santos

    Theory-Based Studies of Maritime Networks: A Literature Review 
    Carlos César Ribeiro Santos, Hernane Borges de Barros Pereira

    Application for Holographic Pyramids in Exhibition Spaces: An Expansion of the Teaching Mode 
    Júlia Maria Nascimento Ribeiro

    Battery Thermal Management System for Electric Vehicles: A Brief Review 
    Artur Sales Carlos Maia de Amorim, Fernando Luiz Pellegrini Pessoa, Ewerton Emmanuel da Silva Calixto

    Violence Detection on Board of Shared Autonomous Vehicles: A Literature Review 
    Raufi F. Stella, Camila de Sousa Pereira Guizzo, Xisto Lucas Travassos

    Instructions for Authors

    Statement of Editorial Policy

    Checklist for Submitted Manuscripts

  • Journal of Bioengineering, Technologies and Health
    Vol 5 No 1 (2022)


    New Approaches of JBTH
    Roberto Badaró, Luciana Bastianelli

    Original Articles

    Heterologous Expression, Purification, and Immune-Based Assay Application of Soluble SARS-CoV-2 Nucleocapsid Protein 
    Vinicius Rocha, Mariana Bandeira, Eduarda Lima, Cássio Meira, Breno Cardim, Emanuelle Santos, Milena Soares

    Learning Proposal for Cybersecurity for Industrial Control Systems Based on Problems and Established by a 4.0 Didactic Advanced-Manufacturing-Plant 
    Bruno Santos Junqueira, Marvim Vinicius Souza de Souza, Victor Bittencourt Lima, Wallace Souza Faria de Jesus Gonçalves, Herman Augusto Lepikson

    Smart Warehouses: Logical Architecture for Logistics 4.0 
    Carlos César Ribeiro Santos, Lucas de Freitas Gomes, Herman Augusto Lepikson, Gilana Pinheiro de Oliveira, Lucas Cruz da Silva

    Development of Experimental Bench for Wireless Power Transfer 
    Ítala Liz da Conceição Santana Silva, Wanberton Gabriel de Souza

    A Comparison of Deep Learning Architectures for the 3D Generation Data 
    Yasmin da Silva Bonfim, Gabriel Sete Ribeiro Lago dos Santos, Gustavo Oliveira Ramos Cruz, Flávio Santos Conterato

    Comparative Between Neural Networks Generate Predictions for Global Solar Radiation and Air Temperature
    Lucas Calil Barbosa Duarte, Moisés Araújo da Paixão, Luis Felipe da Fé Bastos, Flávio Santos Conterato

    Gold Nanoparticles Synthesis with Different Reducing Agents Characterized by UV-Visible Spectroscopy and FTIR
    Helena Mesquita Biz, Duane da Silva Moraes, Tatiana Louise Avila de Campos Rocha

    Energy and Exergetic Evaluation of Thermodynamic Systems Applied to Water Heating at Low Temperatures 
    Geovana Pires Araujo Lima, Luccas Barbosa Carneiro, Alex Álisson Bandeira Santos, Josiane Dantas Viana Barbosa

    Evaluation on the Ultrasonic Technique for Lekeage Detection in Onshore Oil and Gas Pipelines 
    João Vitor Silva Mendes, Danielle Mascarenhas dos Santos, Adeilson de Sousa Silva, Amanda Bandeira Aragão Rigaud Lima, Herman Augusto Lepikson

    Review Articles

    Use of Hydrogen as Energy Source: A Literature Review 
    Luiz Sampaio Athayde Neto, Leonardo Reis de Souza, Pedro Bancillon Ventin Muniz, Júlio César Chaves Câmara

    Biobutanol as an Alternative and Sustainable Fuel: A Literature Review 
    Ana Carolina Araújo dos Santos, Ana Caroline Sobral Loureiro, Ana Lúcia Barbosa de Souza, Natália Barbosa da Silva, Reinaldo Coelho Mirre, Fernando Luiz Pellegrini Pessoa

    Risk Analysis and Indentification of Environmental Impacts Associated with Hydraulic Fracturing in Shale Gas Production 
    Caio Tadeu Veloso Gargur, Gabriel de Veiga Cabral Malgaresi, Lilian Lefol Nani Guarieiro, Reinaldo Coelho Mirre

    Treatment of Oily Effluents Through the Combination of Flotation and Wetland in Thermal Plants Under the Focus of Patent Documents: A Prospective Study 
    Barbara Lima Borges, Edna dos Santos Almeida, Valdemir Alexandre dos Santos

    A Brief Overview of Ammonia and Urea Production and Their Simulations Strategies
    Artur Santos Bispo, Fernando Luiz Pellegrini Pessoa, Ana Lucia Barbosa de Souza

    Study of Measurement Systems for Determination of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Vehicle Environmental Samples 
    Juliana Carla Santos da Silva, Lilian Lefol Nani Guarieiro, Valéria Loureiro da Silva

  • Journal of Bioengineering and Technology Applied to Health
    Vol 4 No 4 (2021)

    Original Articles

    Resistance to PPE Using by Gas Station Attendants
    Ananda Vieira de Lima Almeida, Vitor Erick Cardoso Freitas

    Essential Oil Extraction: Being Green and Emerging Technologies
    Carlos Alberto Tosta Machado, Herman Augusto Lepikson, Matheus Antônio Nogueira de Andrade, Paulo Renato Câmera da Silva

    Proposing a Method for Assessing Fuel Consuption and Pollutants Emissions with the Use of Continuosly Variable Transmission in Town Cars
    Leonardo Serfert Junior, Thiago B. Muraria, Lilian Lefol Nani Guarieiro

    Review Articles

    The Paradox and Dynamic Betweem Sustainable Development and Corporate Performance
    Óliver Silva Costa Barreto, Marcelo Santana Pinheiro, Luiz Marcelo Fonseca Soares, Robson Rosario Junior, Marcio Hideki Maruta, Renelson Sampaio, Thiago Barros Murari, Bruna Aparecida Souza Machado

    Prospective Study of Communication and Information Technologies for the Deaf
    Aline da Cruz Porto Silva, Luiz Antonio da Silva Gonçalves

    Statistical Analysis of Factors Related to Suicide Records in the World Between 1985 and 2020 
    João Pedro Barbosa de Almeida, Matheus Carvalho Nascimento de Souza, Yuri Papaterra Fonseca, Felipe Emmanouil Martires Stamoglou, Márcio Renê Brandão Sousa

    Technological Prospection with a Focus on Assistive Technology in Adapted Vehicles for People with Disabilities 
    Rosemeire do Carmo Furtado, Camila Pereira Guizzo, Xisto Lucas Travassos


    Instructions for Authors


    Statement of Editorial Policy


    Checklist for Submitted Manuscripts

  • Journal of Bioengineering and Technology Applied to Health
    Vol 4 No 3 (2021)

    Original Articles

    Potential Application of Banana Peel Flour in Biofilm
    Paloma Amancio Oliveira Sacramento, Ingrid Lessa Leal, Tatiana Barreto Rocha Nery

    Evaluation of Microalgae Culture in PA and Commercial Urea Media
    Pablo Augusto Gulhões, Alexia Ananda Santana Simões, Jársia de Melo dos Santos, Edna dos Santos Almeida

    Essential Oil Steam Distillation: Manufacturing 4.0
    Carlos Alberto Tosta Machado, Herman Augusto Lepikson, Matheus Antônio Nogueira de Andrade, Paulo Renato Câmera da Silva

    Review Articles

    Biosurfactants Production by Fermentation Process Using Waste as Substrate – A Patent Search Report
    Ana Verena Pimentel Leal de Moraes Rego, Márcio Costa Pinto da Silva, Edna dos Santos Almeida, Érika Durão Vieira

    Applications of Metabolities Extracted from Macroalgae to Fight Neglected Diseases in Brazil
    João Pedro Santos Alves, Cauã de Souza Farias, Caíque Cardoso dos Santos Silva, Ana Lúcia Barbosa de Souza

    Water Quality Assessment Using Daphnia: A Brief Review
    Clara Rodrigues Pereira, Lílian Lefol Nani Guarieiro

    Instructions for Authors

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    Checklist for Submitted Manuscripts

  • Journal of Bioengineering and Technology Applied to Health
    Vol 4 No 2 (2021)

    Brief Communication

    Bench Tests: Activities Report
    Arthur Vianna Dias da Silva Brim, Gustavo Moura


    Original Articles

    Extraction of Pectin from Epicarp and Mesocarp Fractions of Cocoa Shell
    Emanuele Santana Bispo dos Santos, Ingrid Lessa Leal, Tatiana Barreto Rocha Nery

    Characterization of Bioactive Compounds in Fruit and Vegetable Bagasse
    Fernanda dos Santos Cardoso, Ingrid Lessa Leal, Tatiana Barreto Rocha Nery


    Review Articles

    Fundamentals of 3D Bioprinting Technolohy
    Jaqueline L. Vieira, Diego C. Carneiro, Milena B. P. Soares, Josiane D. V. Barbosa

    Presence of Microorganisms and Use of Antimicrobial Agents in Car Seat Fabrics: A Brief Review 
    Mariane Fraga Dias Santana, Jeancarlo Pereira dos Anjos, Marcelo Pinheiro Fontes, Tatiana Barreto Rocha Nery

    Biomaterials Development for Application in Tissue Engineering: Literature Review
    Taís dos Santos Costa

    Review on the Use of Recyclable and Biodegradable Materials as Geosynthetics 
    Luiza Santos Giron Margalho, Larissa da Silva Paes Cardoso


    Instructions for Authors


    Statement of Editorial Policy



    Checklist for Submitted Manuscripts

  • Journal of Bioengineering and Technology Applied to Health
    Vol 4 No 1 (2021)




    Contributions and Impacts on Health Using New Technologies and Innovative Products
    Lílian Lefol Nani Guarieiro, Alex Álisson Bandeira Santos


    Original Articles

    Evaluation of the Deposition of Nanoparticles on the Human Respiratory Tract from the Burning of Diesel/ Biodiesel/ Additive
    Clara Rodrigues Pereira, Pedro Bancillon Ventin Muniz, Katheelin Rios Santa Rosa, Lílian Lefol Nani Guarieiro, Ednildo Andrade Torres

    Technology as a Pillar for Essential Oil Green Extraction
    Carlos Machado, Herman Lepikson, Matheus Andrade, Yasmim Thasla, Sara Santos

    Extraction and Characterization of Coffee Silverskin Oil and Its Valorization by Enzymatic Hydrolysis
    Danyelle A. Mota, Anna Paula R. Silva, Jefferson Cleriston B. Santos, Milson S. Barbosa, Lays C. Almeida, Álvaro S. Lima, Matheus M. Pereira, Laiza C. Krause, Cleide Mara F. Soares

    Technological Prospective Study of Green Coffee Processing
    Marcos Lage Cajazeira Ramos, Edna dos Santos Almeida, Carlos César Ribeiro dos Santos

    Effect of Temperature on Physical Properties of Canadian Maple (Acer saccharum marsh) Syrup
    Marta A. Pires, Rebecca S. Andrade, Miguel Iglesias


    Review Articles

    Techniques Used for Metals' Analysis of Organic Compounds in Wastewater, Greywater and Rainwater: A Brief Review
    Vinícius Silva dos Santos, Lilian Lefol Nani Guarieiro

    Occupational Health and Safety in Biotechnological Processes: A Review and Future Directions
    Luma Mirely de Souza Brandão, Milson dos Santos Barbosa, Isabela Nascimento Souza, Lays Carvalho de Almeida, Danyelle Andrade Mota, Rafael Buarque de Macêdo Gadêlha, Graziele Áquila de Souza Brandão





  • Journal of Bioengineering and Technology Applied to Health
    Vol 3 No 4 (2020)




    Challenges in Science, Technology and Innovation after COVID-19
    Lília Lefol Nani Guarieiro, Alex Álisson Bandeira Santos

    Original Articles

    SENAI CIMATEC Contributions for the Strengthening of Brazilian Companies Using Lean Manufacturing in the Combat Against COVID-19
    Carlos César Ribeiro Santos, Ricardo de Oliveira Monteiro Russel, Leonardo Sanches de Carvalho, Victor Nunes Fontenele, Nelson Ribeiro Carreira

    Analysis of Brazilian Manufacters in the COVID-19 Diagnostic Products by ANVISA
    Valdir Gomes Barbosa Júnior, Roberto José da Silva Badaró, Bruna Aparecida Machado

    A Gamified Model for the Building Site: A Solution to Motivate Construction Wokers in Pandemic Time
    Regina Leite, Lynn Alves

    Identification and Study of a Promising Cyanobacteria Species for Biotechnological Applications
    Maria Teresa A.P. Menescal, Edna dos Santos Almeida, Emerson Andrade Sales

    Properties of Fibrous Composites with Polyester: A Comparative Analysis Between Sisal Fiber and Pet
    Matheus Vinicius Falcão Moreira, Lorrane Carneiro Laranjeira Silva, Joyce Batista Azevedo, Pollyana da Silva Melo Cardoso, Josiane Dantas Viana Barbosa, Daniel Vianna Goes Araujo

    Nutritional Quality of Moringa oleifera Seeds and Physicochemical Properties of Its Crude Oil
    Milson S. Barbosa, Cintia C.C. Freire, Danyelle A. Mota, Lays C. Almeida, Ranyere L. Souza, Matheus M. Pereira, Álvaro S. Lima, Cleide M. F. Soares

    Thermodynamics of Oils of Nutritional/Cosmetic Use: Bertholletia excelsa, Cocos nucifera, and Pterodon emarginatus Vogel
    Marta A. Pires, Rebecca S. Andrade, Miguel Iglesias


    Review Articles

    Characterization of Arthrospira sp (Spirulina) Biomass Growth in Hydroponic Waste Solution: A Review
    Yan Valdez Santos Rodrigues, Edna Dos Santos Almeida, Erika Durão Vieira


    Instructions for Authors


    Statement of Editorial Policy


    Checklist for Submitted Manuscripts



  • Journal of Bioengineering and Technology Applied to Health
    Vol 3 No 3 (2020)



    Original Articles

    Association of Dental Pulp Stem Cells and Ricinus Bone Compound in a Model of Bone Defect
    Alan Araújo de Jesus, Adriano Araújo de Jesus, Flávia Oliveira de Lima, Luiz Antônio Rodrigues de Freitas, Cássio Santana Meira, Ricardo Ribeiro dos Santos, Milena Botelho Pereira Soare

    Development of an Automated Device for the Procedure of Blood Transfusion in Newborns
    Patrícia Frota, Josiane Dantas Viana, Paulo Neves

    Review Articles


    Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumors: A Literature Review
    Amanda Gomes, Rosa Andrea Nogueira Laiso, Luciana Knop, Monique Gonçalves Alves, Laertty Garcia de Sousa Cabral, Durvanei Augusto Maria

    Internet Access in the New Brazilian Normal: A Basic Need for Access to Income, Health, and Education
    Flávio Fabrício V.M. Ferreira, Flávio G.O. Soares Filho, Wanderson Guimarães de Lana, Rafael Pimentel dos Santos, Philippe Cedraz Lopes, Marcus V. Topázio Fernandes, Renelson Ribeiro Sampaio, Thiago B. Murari




  • Journal of Bioengineering and Technology Applied to Health
    Vol 3 No 2 (2020)

    THE CORONAVIRUS EDITION was divided in Issue 1 (March) and 2 (June) of 2020. The aim of these editions is to make a panoramic compilation of the pandemic, presenting all aspects, discoveries, reports about the COVID-19 pandemic and SARS-CoV-2: Epidemiological issues of the COVID-19, the pathophysiology of the disease, immunological responses, gallery photos, treatments, vaccines ongoing, diagnostics of the disease, characteristics genome of the virus and so on. All the data the ISI-SENAI-CMATEC Group used for the issues of JBTH was based on review articles, systematic review, meta-analyses, clinical trials, and guidelines from the best International Centers against COVID-19, index medicus database and reports of World Health Organization (WHO).

    The Group of ISI-SENAI CIMATEC and the Group of Development and Innovation Laboratory of Butantan Institute inform that all reviewed studies were available for free. Also, most of the articles is open-access, distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/). Images, tables, figures, and graphics reproduced in our review is for academic knowledge with no commercial purposes. The content of this issue was mainly based on review articles. Some parts of the text were directly cited from the sources with the proper references, which serve for our discussion or conclusion. Nevertheless, all the images that have Copyright by the author or other Journal, we asked for the right to use in this issue. The reproduced or copy of these items should be asked for the source referred in the text. The articles presented in this issue are following the Fair Use of American law and article 46 of Brazilian law Nº 9.610 of February 19, 1998. This issue is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0).

    The ISI-SENAI-CIMATEC Group writes some articles of this issue in a partnership with the Development and Innovation Laboratory Group of Butantan Institute.

    About the Journal / Editorial Office

    The Journal of Bioengineering and Technology Applied to Health (JBTH) is an official publication of the ISI (SENAI Institute for Innovation in Advanced Health Systems) /SENAI CIMATEC.

    It is published quarterly (March - June - September - December) in English by SENAI CIMATEC – Avenida Orlando Gomes, 1845, Piatã, Zip Code: 41650-010, Salvador-Bahia-Brazil; phone: (55 71) 3879-5501. E-mail: jbth@jbth.com.br.

    The editorial office of the Journal is at ISI (SENAI Institute for Innovation in Advanced Health Systems) /SENAI CIMATEC.


    This edition is Copyleft, except for images that were authorized by other authors and Journals.

    Information by JBTH-ISI/SENAI CIMATEC

    Home-page: www.jbth.com.br
    E-mail: jbth@jbth.com.br
    Phone: (55 71) 3879-5501 / 3462-9599
    ISSN: 2595-2137 / e-ISSN 2674-8568






  • Journal of Bioengineering and Technology Applied to Health
    Vol 3 No A1 (2020)

    This Appendix presents the crinical trials from World Health Organization (WHO) and Clinical.gov.br by United Estates of America (EUA) from March to April 2020.



  • Journal of Bioengineering and Technology Applied to Health
    Vol 3 No 1 (2020)

    THE CORONAVIRUS EDITION was divided in Issue 1 (March) and 2 (June) of 2020. The aim of these editions is to make a panoramic compilation of the pandemic, presenting all aspects, discoveries, reports about the COVID-19 pandemic and SARS-CoV-2: Epidemiological issues of the COVID-19, the pathophysiology of the disease, immunological responses, gallery photos, treatments, vaccines ongoing, diagnostics of the disease, characteristics genome of the virus and so on. All the data the ISI-SENAI-CMATEC Group used for the issues of JBTH was based on review articles, systematic review, meta-analyses, clinical trials, and guidelines from the best International Centers against COVID-19, index medicus database and reports of World Health Organization (WHO).

    The Group of ISI-SENAI CIMATEC and the Group of Development and Innovation Laboratory of Butantan Institute inform that all reviewed studies were available for free. Also, most of the articles is open-access, distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/). Images, tables, figures, and graphics reproduced in our review is for academic knowledge with no commercial purposes. The content of this issue was mainly based on review articles. Some parts of the text were directly cited from the sources with the proper references, which serve for our discussion or conclusion. Nevertheless, all the images that have Copyright by the author or other Journal, we asked for the right to use in this issue. The reproduced or copy of these items should be asked for the source referred in the text. The articles presented in this issue are following the Fair Use of American law and article 46 of Brazilian law Nº 9.610 of February 19, 1998. This issue is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0).

    The ISI-SENAI-CIMATEC Group writes some articles of this issue in a partnership with the Development and Innovation Laboratory Group of Butantan Institute.

    About the Journal / Editorial Office

    The Journal of Bioengineering and Technology Applied to Health (JBTH) is an official publication of the ISI (SENAI Institute for Innovation in Advanced Health Systems) /SENAI CIMATEC.

    It is published quarterly (March - June - September - December) in English by SENAI CIMATEC – Avenida Orlando Gomes, 1845, Piatã, Zip Code: 41650-010, Salvador-Bahia-Brazil; phone: (55 71) 3879-5501. E-mail: jbth@jbth.com.br.

    The editorial office of the Journal is at ISI (SENAI Institute for Innovation in Advanced Health Systems) /SENAI CIMATEC.


    This edition is Copyleft, except for images that were authorized by other authors and Journals.

    Information by JBTH-ISI/SENAI CIMATEC

    Home-page: www.jbth.com.br
    E-mail: jbth@jbth.com.br
    Phone: (55 71) 3879-5501 / 3462-9599
    ISSN: 2595-2137 / e-ISSN 2674-8568





  • Journal of Bioengineering and Technology Applied to Health
    Vol 2 No 4 (2019)

    The Journal of Bioengineering and Technology Applied for Health (JBTH) is an official publication of the Health Institute of Technology – ITS/SENAI CIMATEC. It is published quarterly (March - June - September - December) in English by SENAI CIMATEC – Avenida Orlando Gomes, 1845, Piatã, Zip Code: 41650-010, Salvador-Bahia-Brazil; phone: (55 71) 3879-5501.

    JBTH is a new peer-reviewed open access and multidisciplinary Journal with an aim to develop a platform for innovative researchers that are working in the area of Bioengineering and Technologies applied for Health 4.0, which will include the following categories of communications:


    • Original basic or clinical investigation;
    • Case presentation;
    • Brief reports or short communications;
    • State-of-the-art presentations;
    • Letters to the editor or editorials;
    • Editor's corner;
    • Innovative medical products;
    • Review article;
    • Health innovation initiatives.


    Information by JBTH-ITS/SENAI CIMATEC

    Home-page: www.jbth.com.br

    E-mail: jbth@jbth.com.br

    Phone/Fax: (55 71) 3879-5501 / 3462-9599.

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