New Approaches of JBT Dunaliella salina Biorefinary: An Evaluation of the State-of-the-Art
Stephanie de Melo Santana, Ana Lucia Barbosa de Souza, Fernando Luiz Pellegrini Pessoa
Original Articles
Computational Model for Eletrical Motors Condition Analysis and Monitoring
Álvaro Souza de Melo, Oberdan Pinheiro Rocha, Alex Álisson Bandeira Santos
Influence of the Driver Profile on the Autonomy of Electric Vehicles
Cleovano Gonçalves Batista, Thomaz Barros de Carvalho Prado, Júlio César Chaves Câmara, Lilian Lefol Nani Guarieiro
Technical Feasibility Analysis of the Patent Ondomotric Energy Generations System With Code BR 10 2016 016119 3 A2
Kelson Mascarenhas Cirne, Gabriel Pereira Ugucioni Rocha, Alex Álisson Bandeira Santos
Comparison of Models for Wind Speed Prediction Through Neural Networks in Lençóis, Bahia
Daniel Guimarães Silva, Diogo Nunes da Silva Ramos, Amanda Santana Lins Bispo, Lian Filipe Santana Nascimento, Yuri de Jesus Gomes, Flávio Santos Conterato
Modeling of and Extreme Flooding Event in the Amazon Basin Using the WRF-Hydro Model
Carolina Sacramento Vieira, José Roberto Dantas da Silva, Daniel Guimarães Silva, Filipe Milani de Souza, Diogo Nunes da Silva Ramos, Yasmin Kaore Lago Kitagawa, Davidson Martins Moreira
Precipitation Simulation Using the WRF-Hydro Model in the Matopiba Region
Daniel Guimarães Silva, Diogo Nunes da Silva Ramos, Filipe Milani de Souza, José Roberto Dantas da Silva Júnior, Yasmin Kaore Lago Kitagawa, Davidson Martins Moreira
Review Articles
Building Information Modeling Integrated With Life Cycle Analysis in Plumbing Projects: A Preliminary Systematic Review
Diogenes Oliveira Senna, Larissa da Silva Paes Cardoso, Alex Álisson Bandeira Santos
Theory-Based Studies of Maritime Networks: A Literature Review
Carlos César Ribeiro Santos, Hernane Borges de Barros Pereira
Application for Holographic Pyramids in Exhibition Spaces: An Expansion of the Teaching Mode
Júlia Maria Nascimento Ribeiro
Battery Thermal Management System for Electric Vehicles: A Brief Review
Artur Sales Carlos Maia de Amorim, Fernando Luiz Pellegrini Pessoa, Ewerton Emmanuel da Silva Calixto
Violence Detection on Board of Shared Autonomous Vehicles: A Literature Review
Raufi F. Stella, Camila de Sousa Pereira Guizzo, Xisto Lucas Travassos
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