THE CORONAVIRUS EDITION was divided in Issue 1 (March) and 2 (June) of 2020. The aim of these editions is to make a panoramic compilation of the pandemic, presenting all aspects, discoveries, reports about the COVID-19 pandemic and SARS-CoV-2: Epidemiological issues of the COVID-19, the pathophysiology of the disease, immunological responses, gallery photos, treatments, vaccines ongoing, diagnostics of the disease, characteristics genome of the virus and so on. All the data the ISI-SENAI-CMATEC Group used for the issues of JBTH was based on review articles, systematic review, meta-analyses, clinical trials, and guidelines from the best International Centers against COVID-19, index medicus database and reports of World Health Organization (WHO).
The Group of ISI-SENAI CIMATEC and the Group of Development and Innovation Laboratory of Butantan Institute inform that all reviewed studies were available for free. Also, most of the articles is open-access, distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/). Images, tables, figures, and graphics reproduced in our review is for academic knowledge with no commercial purposes. The content of this issue was mainly based on review articles. Some parts of the text were directly cited from the sources with the proper references, which serve for our discussion or conclusion. Nevertheless, all the images that have Copyright by the author or other Journal, we asked for the right to use in this issue. The reproduced or copy of these items should be asked for the source referred in the text. The articles presented in this issue are following the Fair Use of American law and article 46 of Brazilian law Nº 9.610 of February 19, 1998. This issue is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0).
The ISI-SENAI-CIMATEC Group writes some articles of this issue in a partnership with the Development and Innovation Laboratory Group of Butantan Institute.
About the Journal / Editorial Office
The Journal of Bioengineering and Technology Applied to Health (JBTH) is an official publication of the ISI (SENAI Institute for Innovation in Advanced Health Systems) /SENAI CIMATEC.
It is published quarterly (March - June - September - December) in English by SENAI CIMATEC – Avenida Orlando Gomes, 1845, Piatã, Zip Code: 41650-010, Salvador-Bahia-Brazil; phone: (55 71) 3879-5501. E-mail: jbth@jbth.com.br.
The editorial office of the Journal is at ISI (SENAI Institute for Innovation in Advanced Health Systems) /SENAI CIMATEC.
This edition is Copyleft, except for images that were authorized by other authors and Journals.
Home-page: www.jbth.com.br
E-mail: jbth@jbth.com.br
Phone: (55 71) 3879-5501 / 3462-9599
ISSN: 2595-2137 / e-ISSN 2674-8568