Original Articles
Aphasia Rehabilitation: Decision Support Model
Claudia Simões Pinto da Cunha Lima, Jeferson Andris Lima Lopes, Victor Mascarenhas de Andrade Souza, Sarah Leite Barros da Silva, Ingrid Winkler5, Valter de Senna
Cell Acquisition Method Validation by Flow Cytometry for MCTI CIMATEC HDT RNA Vaccine Immunogenicity Evaluation Against SARS-CoV-2
Elen Azevedo da Costa, Carlos Augusto Oliveira Júnior, Alana Costa de Oliveira, Emanuelle de Souza Santos, Milena
Botelho Pereira Soares, Bruna Aparecida Souza Machado
Technology Transfer in Vaccine Production: Implementation of Physical-Chemical Quality Control and Sodium Hydroxide Purity Analysis
Camila Carane Bitencourt Brito, Rodrigo Souza Conceição, Bruna Aparecida Souza Machado
3D Bioprinting and Characterization of Bioinks with Different Concentrations of Hyaluronic Acid Methacrylate (AHMA)
Caio Athayde de Oliva, Arthur João Reis Lima Rodovalho, Leonardo Santana Ramos Oliveira, Lucca Ribeiro Alves, Willams Teles Barbosa, Ana Paula Bispo Gonçalves, Jaqueline Leite Vieira, Paulo Romano Cruz Correia, Milena
Botelho Pereira Soares, Josiane Dantas Viana Barbosa
Study on the Technical and Economic Viability of a Polygeneration Energy System Applied to a Hospital Unit in Bahia’s Countryside, Brazil
Pedro Freire de Carvalho Paes Cardoso, Turan Dias Oliveira, Alex Álisson Bandeira Santos
Biomass from Beached Algae of the Genus Caulerpa to Obtain the Alkaloid Caulerpin
Tiago Tosta Alves Cruz, Jailson Bittencourt de Andrade, Sabrina Teixeira Martinez
Comparison of Primary Energy Consumption Between Additive Manufacturing Processes and CNC Machining Applied to Components in the Oil and Gas Sector
Joyce Mara Brito Maia, Samuel Alex Sipert Miranda, Rodrigo Santiago Coelho
Cloud Computing Application for Digital Integration Between an Advanced Manufacturing Plant and a Model 4.0 Factory
João Vitor Mendes Pinto dos Santos, Thamiles Rodrigues de Melo
Application of Generative Autoencoders in the Detection of Anomalies in Hypercompressors
Zoroastro Fernandes Filho, Alex Álisson Bandeira Santos
Systematic Review / Review Articles
Production of the Scaffold Using 3D Bioprinting Applied to the Biomedical Area:A Bibliometric Study
Ana Paula Bispo Gonçalves, Willams Teles Barbosa, Jaqueline Leite Vieira, Josiane Dantas Viana Barbosa, Milena
Botelho Pereira Soares
Diagnostic Tests, Vaccination and SUS: Analysis of Brazilian Measures to Address the COVID-19 Pandemic
Jéssica Rebouças Silva, Katharine Valéria Saraiva Hodel, Bruna Aparecida Souza Machado
Technological Prospection and Flowchart for Production of Biogas Enriched with Hydrogen: A Proposal for Renewable Energy Sources
Larissa Sousa Cardeal de Miranda, Fernando Luiz Pellegrini Pessoa, Ana Lucia Barbosa de Souza
Instructions for Authors
Statement of Editorial Policy
Checklist for Submitted Manuscripts