New Approaches of JBTH
Roberto Badaró, Luciana Bastianelli
Original Articles
Heterologous Expression, Purification, and Immune-Based Assay Application of Soluble SARS-CoV-2 Nucleocapsid Protein
Vinicius Rocha, Mariana Bandeira, Eduarda Lima, Cássio Meira, Breno Cardim, Emanuelle Santos, Milena Soares
Learning Proposal for Cybersecurity for Industrial Control Systems Based on Problems and Established by a 4.0 Didactic Advanced-Manufacturing-Plant
Bruno Santos Junqueira, Marvim Vinicius Souza de Souza, Victor Bittencourt Lima, Wallace Souza Faria de Jesus Gonçalves, Herman Augusto Lepikson
Smart Warehouses: Logical Architecture for Logistics 4.0
Carlos César Ribeiro Santos, Lucas de Freitas Gomes, Herman Augusto Lepikson, Gilana Pinheiro de Oliveira, Lucas Cruz da Silva
Development of Experimental Bench for Wireless Power Transfer
Ítala Liz da Conceição Santana Silva, Wanberton Gabriel de Souza
A Comparison of Deep Learning Architectures for the 3D Generation Data
Yasmin da Silva Bonfim, Gabriel Sete Ribeiro Lago dos Santos, Gustavo Oliveira Ramos Cruz, Flávio Santos Conterato
Comparative Between Neural Networks Generate Predictions for Global Solar Radiation and Air Temperature
Lucas Calil Barbosa Duarte, Moisés Araújo da Paixão, Luis Felipe da Fé Bastos, Flávio Santos Conterato
Gold Nanoparticles Synthesis with Different Reducing Agents Characterized by UV-Visible Spectroscopy and FTIR
Helena Mesquita Biz, Duane da Silva Moraes, Tatiana Louise Avila de Campos Rocha
Energy and Exergetic Evaluation of Thermodynamic Systems Applied to Water Heating at Low Temperatures
Geovana Pires Araujo Lima, Luccas Barbosa Carneiro, Alex Álisson Bandeira Santos, Josiane Dantas Viana Barbosa
Evaluation on the Ultrasonic Technique for Lekeage Detection in Onshore Oil and Gas Pipelines
João Vitor Silva Mendes, Danielle Mascarenhas dos Santos, Adeilson de Sousa Silva, Amanda Bandeira Aragão Rigaud Lima, Herman Augusto Lepikson
Review Articles
Use of Hydrogen as Energy Source: A Literature Review
Luiz Sampaio Athayde Neto, Leonardo Reis de Souza, Pedro Bancillon Ventin Muniz, Júlio César Chaves Câmara
Biobutanol as an Alternative and Sustainable Fuel: A Literature Review
Ana Carolina Araújo dos Santos, Ana Caroline Sobral Loureiro, Ana Lúcia Barbosa de Souza, Natália Barbosa da Silva, Reinaldo Coelho Mirre, Fernando Luiz Pellegrini Pessoa
Risk Analysis and Indentification of Environmental Impacts Associated with Hydraulic Fracturing in Shale Gas Production
Caio Tadeu Veloso Gargur, Gabriel de Veiga Cabral Malgaresi, Lilian Lefol Nani Guarieiro, Reinaldo Coelho Mirre
Treatment of Oily Effluents Through the Combination of Flotation and Wetland in Thermal Plants Under the Focus of Patent Documents: A Prospective Study
Barbara Lima Borges, Edna dos Santos Almeida, Valdemir Alexandre dos Santos
A Brief Overview of Ammonia and Urea Production and Their Simulations Strategies
Artur Santos Bispo, Fernando Luiz Pellegrini Pessoa, Ana Lucia Barbosa de Souza
Study of Measurement Systems for Determination of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Vehicle Environmental Samples
Juliana Carla Santos da Silva, Lilian Lefol Nani Guarieiro, Valéria Loureiro da Silva