Journal of Bioengineering and Technology Applied to Health
Vol 2 No 3 (2019)The Journal of Bioengineering and Technology Applied for Health (JBTH) is an official publication of the Health Institute of Technology – ITS/SENAI CIMATEC. It is published quarterly (March - June - September - December) in English by SENAI CIMATEC – Avenida Orlando Gomes, 1845, Piatã, Zip Code: 41650-010, Salvador-Bahia-Brazil; phone: (55 71) 3879-5501.
JBTH is a new peer-reviewed open access and multidisciplinary Journal with an aim to develop a platform for innovative researchers that are working in the area of Bioengineering and Technologies applied for Health 4.0, which will include the following categories of communications:
- Original basic or clinical investigation;
- Case presentation;
- Brief reports or short communications;
- State-of-the-art presentations;
- Letters to the editor or editorials;
- Editor's corner;
- Innovative medical products;
- Review article;
- Health innovation initiatives.
Home-page: www.jbth.com.br
E-mail: jbth@jbth.com.br
Phone/Fax: (55 71) 3879-5501 / 3462-9599.
Journal of Bioengineering and Technology Applied to Health
Vol 2 No 2 (2019)The Journal of Bioengineering and Technology Applied for Health (JBTH) is an official publication of the Health Institute of Technology – ITS/SENAI CIMATEC. It is published quarterly (March - June - September - December) in English by SENAI CIMATEC – Avenida Orlando Gomes, 1845, Piatã, Zip Code: 41650-010, Salvador-Bahia-Brazil; phone: (55 71) 3879-5501.
JBTH is a new peer-reviewed open access and multidisciplinary Journal with an aim to develop a platform for innovative researchers that are working in the area of Bioengineering and Technologies applied for Health 4.0, which will include the following categories of communications:
- Original basic or clinical investigation;
- Case presentation;
- Brief reports or short communications;
- State-of-the-art presentations;
- Letters to the editor or editorials;
- Editor's corner;
- Innovative medical products;
- Review article;
- Health innovation initiatives.
Home-page: www.jbth.com.br
E-mail: jbth@jbth.com.br
Phone/Fax: (55 71) 3879-5501 / 3462-9599.
Journal of Bioengineering and Technology Applied to Health
Vol 2 No 1 (2019)The Journal of Bioengineering and Technology Applied for Health (JBTH) is an official publication of the Health Institute of Technology – ITS/SENAI CIMATEC. It is published quarterly (March - June - September - December) in English by SENAI CIMATEC – Avenida Orlando Gomes, 1845, Piatã, Zip Code: 41650-010, Salvador-Bahia-Brazil; phone: (55 71) 3879-5501.
JBTH is a new peer-reviewed open access and multidisciplinary Journal with an aim to develop a platform for innovative researchers that are working in the area of Bioengineering and Technologies applied for Health 4.0, which will include the following categories of communications:
- Original basic or clinical investigation;
- Case presentation;
- Brief reports or short communications;
- State-of-the-art presentations;
- Letters to the editor or editorials;
- Editor's corner;
- Innovative medical products;
- Review article;
- Health innovation initiatives.
Home-page: www.jbth.com.br
E-mail: jbth@jbth.com.br
Phone/Fax: (55 71) 3879-5501 / 3462-9599.
Journal of Bioengineering and Technology Applied to Health
Vol 1 No 1 (2018)The Journal of Bioengineering and Technology Applied for Health (JBTH) is an official publication of the Health Institute of Technology – ITS/SENAI CIMATEC. It is published quarterly (March - June - September - December) in English by SENAI CIMATEC – Avenida Orlando Gomes, 1845, Piatã, Zip Code: 41650-010, Salvador-Bahia-Brazil; phone: (55 71) 3879-5501.
JBTH is a new peer-reviewed open access and multidisciplinary Journal with an aim to develop a platform for innovative researchers that are working in the area of Bioengineering and Technologies applied for Health 4.0, which will include the following categories of communications:
- Original basic or clinical investigation;
- Case presentation;
- Brief reports or short communications;
- State-of-the-art presentations;
- Letters to the editor or editorials;
- Editor's corner;
- Innovative medical products;
- Review article;
- Health innovation initiatives.
Home-page: www.jbth.com.br
E-mail: jbth@jbth.com.br
Phone/Fax: (55 71) 3879-5501 / 3462-9599.