Osteoma: A Case Report Based on Image Technology
Osteomas are benign mesenchymal tumors, characterized by proliferation of compact or modularly bone. They are small, slow-growing lesions, usuallyasymptomatic and detected in young adults. This tumors can affect the paranasal sinuses and are often diagnosed with incidental findings through imaging tests. Osteomas are typically restricted to the craniofacial skeleton and rarely foundin other bones. Osteoma of the gnathic bones may be peripheral or endosteal.The osteomas’ etiology is controversial and still unknown. It is more frequent in the frontal sinuses, corresponding to 57% of the paranasal sinuses osteomas, followed by the ethmoidal and maxillary sinuses. Computed Tomography (CT) is the gold standard to assess the location, extent, and aspects of the injury. The objective of this paper is to present a case report of osteoma diagnosed by computed tomography (CT) scan, indicating the importance of the technology of imaging in the medicine diagnostic.