Bibliometric Analysis of Ornithophilous Species of Bromeliaceae in the Atlantic Forest
This bibliometric analysis quantified the articles published on ornithophilous species of Bromeliaceae in the Atlantic Forest biome, demonstrating the scarcity of studies and the need for work to reduce the knowledge of this plant-animal relationship in the state of Bahia (Brazil). The bibliometric analysis of ornithophilous species of Bromeliaceae in the Atlantic Forest in the time cut from 1996 to 2024, with the first filter of the expressions "ornithophilia, Bromeliaceae, Atlantic Forest", selected 251 articles from 819 authors in 96 journals from 23 countries, with Brazil highlighted by 111 articles (44%). The second filter with the term "pollination" generated 40 (15.9%) articles listed by national institutions. In Brazil, most of the surveys on ornithological pollination in Bromeliaceae were carried out in the Atlantic Forest (96%). The third filter for the final selection of articles published by authors of Brazilian institutions grouped only 8 (3%) articles from the initial total. The method is effective and limited, excluding articles published in the middle of the dissemination books in modest or low-cost journals. A non-factor of impact phase can also devalue research of regional or local relevance, leading to a distorted vision of the relevance of endemism.