A Systematic Review of the Regulation of Green Hydrogen-Based Electricity Generation in Brazil

  • Elisabete Joana Paes Barreto
  • Aloisio S. Nascimento Filho
  • Hugo Saba


This article presents a systematic review of the current state of the art regulating electricity generation from green hydrogen in Brazil. The study was conducted through searches using selected descriptors in the SciELO and Google Scholar databases, supplemented by consultations in the ANEEL Virtual Library, Google, and ChatGPT. The goal was to identify documents related to laws, norms, and regulations addressing the use of green hydrogen for electricity generation in Brazil without any temporal restriction. The analysis of multiple documents revealed that, to date, no regulatory framework has been officially approved for green hydrogen in Brazil. This regulatory gap highlights the need for comparative studies with legislation from other countries to inform the development of an appropriate framework for the Brazilian context.
