Preliminary Assessment of Fuel Spill Effects Utilizing Daphnia similis as a Test Organism

  • Adriano Carvalho Simões Guimarães
  • Clara Rodrigues Pereira
  • Eliete Costa Alves
  • Edna dos Santos Almeida
  • Lilian Lefol Nani Guarieiro


Human interference in the aquatic ecosystem has created an unideal environment fpo-ooor aquatic creatures, emphasizing accident fuel and oil leaks from offshore cargo ships and offshore oil drilling, respectively. In this context, a preliminary study was conducted to analyze further the effects that a fuel spill causes in a water environment. The methodology used the standard method of conducting ecotoxicological essays using Daphnia similis but was adapted for a preliminary context, using fewer resources to obtain a primary analysis. The results indicate that fuel spills are still dangerous to underwater life, even in low concentrations. This study showcases the immediate effects of fuel spills and is still open for further experimentation.
