Cultivation of Daphnia similis Species in Standard Conditions

  • Clara Rodrigues Pereira
  • Eliete Costa Alves
  • Adriano Carvalho Simões Guimarães
  • Edna dos Santos Almeida
  • Lílian Lefol Nani Guarieiro


Daphnia is an organism used for ecotoxicity tests to evaluate acute or chronic toxic effects of substances and effluents on an organism’s population. Daphnia must be cultivated under standard conditions to reproduce themselves. This article highlight the importance of standard Daphnia cultivation since unfavorable conditions may impact or interrupt the cultivation progress. The method was based on the NBR12713 standard, which focused on compliance and validation of established cultivation guidelines. The results revealed the adverse effects and impact that Daphnia culture might have if they are not in the required conditions.
