The Increase of Wearables in Health: A Market Study

  • Maely Guilherme Botelho Coelho Filho
  • Thiago Cardoso Maia
  • Carlos Augusto Bispo Dias
  • João Carlos Fregonazzi Tavares
  • Rayane Cremasco Martins
  • Thamiles Rodrigues de Melo
  • Valéria Loureiro da Silva
  • Valter Estevão Beal


This study aims to identify and characterize the most relevant medical devices to collaborate with in developing new technological resources for the healthcare market. A market study was carried out using the devices on the ANVISA platform. The chosen ones were divided into 5 scores, with 5 being the closest to the objective of the study, in order to compare their functionalities and connectivity. The number of features reveals that group 5 has had an average of 8.75 features per device, confirming the group with the most significant impact. However, further studies must list and analyze other health devices to categorize them, contributing to the production and advancement of this sector. 
