The editors of the Journal reserve the right to edit manuscripts for clarity, grammar, and style. Authors will have an opportunity to review these changes before the creation of galley proofs. Changes in content after galley proofs will be sent for reviewing and could be required charges to the author. The JBTH does not accept articles which duplicate or overlap publications elsewhere.
All manuscripts are assigned to an Associate Editor by the Editor-in-Chief and Deputy Editor and sent to outside experts for peer-review. The Associate Editor, aided by the reviewers' comments, makes a recommendation to the Editor-in-Chief regarding the merits of the manuscript. The Editor-in-Chief makes a final decision to accept, reject, or request revision of the manuscript. A request for review does not guarantee ultimate acceptance of the revised manuscript.
Manuscripts may also be sent out for statistical review or ad hoc reviewers. The average time from submission to first decision is three weeks.
The opinions expressed in JBTH are those of the authors and contributors and do not necessarily reflect those of the ITS-SENAI-CIMATEC, the editors, the editorial board, or the organization with which the authors are affiliated.
Manuscripts that are sent back to authors for review must be returned to the editorial office by 15 days after the date of the revision’s request. Unless the decision letter specifically indicates otherwise, it is important not to increase the text length of the manuscript in responding to the comments. The cover letter must include a point-by-point response to the reviewers and Editors comments and should indicate any additional changes made. Any alteration in authorship, including a change in the order of authors, must be agreed upon by all authors, and a statement signed by all authors must be submitted to the editorial office.
Manuscripts may be submitted only in electronic form by www.jbthonline.com. Each article will be assigned a registration number, and the author notified that the paper is complete and appropriate to begin the review process. The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format for texts and JPG (300dpi) for figures.
Authors must indicate in a cover letter the address, telephone number, and e-mail of the corresponding author. The corresponding author will be asked to make a statement confirming that the content of the manuscript represents the views of the co-authors, that neither the corresponding author nor the co-authors have submitted duplicate or overlapping manuscripts elsewhere, and that the referenced person supports the items indicated as personal communications in the text.
Manuscripts are to be typed as indicated in Guide for Authors, as well as text, tables, references, legends. All pages are to be numbered with the order of presentation as follows: title page, abstract, text, acknowledgments, references, tables, figure legends/graphics/diagrams and respective legends. A running title of not more than 40 characters should be at the top of each page. The abstract should follow each type of article. References should be listed consecutively in the text and recorded as follows in the reference list. Authors, when fewer than six, record all authors; when six or more, record first three followed by et al.; title, journal, year, volume, pages (first and last). References must follow the format of the National Library of Medicine as in Index Medicus and “Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals" or in “Vancouver Citation Style." Titles of journals not listed in Index Medicus should be spelled out in full. Figures may be submitted in high quality (minimum 300 dpi).
The manuscript style will follow accepted standards. Please refer to the JBTH for guidance. The final form will be determined by the Editor-in-Chief as reviewed and approved by the manuscript's corresponding author.
The JBTH will only accept articles that are approved by the ethics committees of the respective institutions (protocol number and/or approval certification should be sent after the references). The protocol number should be included at the end of the Introduction of the article.
Authors should observe high standards concerning publication ethics as set out by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE). Falsification or fabrication of data, plagiarism, including duplicate publication of the authors' work without proper citation, and misappropriation of the work are all unacceptable practices. Any cases of ethical misconduct are treated very seriously and will be dealt with following the JBTH guidelines.
Also, if the study received a financial support or any sponsor, the name of the sponsors must be included in the cover letter and in the text, after the author’s affiliations.
Conflicts of Interest
At the point of submission, each author should reveal any financial interests or connections, direct or indirect, or other situations that might raise the question of bias in work reported or the conclusions, implications, or opinions stated—including pertinent commercial or other sources of funding for the individual author(s) or the associated department(s) or organizations(s), and personal relationships. There is a potential conflict of interest when anyone involved in the publication process has a financial or other beneficial interest in the products or concepts mentioned in a submitted manuscript or in competing products that might bias his or her judgment.
The opinions expressed in JBTH are those of the authors and contributors and do not necessarily reflect those of the ITS-SENAI-CIMATEC, the editors, the editorial board, or the organization with which the authors are affiliated.
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