Morphometry of Seeds of the Species Serjania comata Radlk in a Remnant of Atlantic Forest, Alagoinhas, Bahia

  • Joyce Raianne de Oliveira Barbosa
  • Stefani Hiaminique dos Santos de Carvalho
  • Gracineide Selma Santos de Almeida
Keywords: Morphometry, Atlantic Forest, Seeds


The Atlantic Forest is a biodiversity-rich area, but it is highly threatened due to the numerous human actions that have affected ecosystems since the colonial era. Considering that morphological studies of forest seeds will serve as subsidies for reforestation programs and research on seed technology and physiology in the conservation of native forests, the study on the morphometry of seeds of the species Serjania comata Radlk will contribute positively to knowledge despite the diversity of species present in the ecosystems, to characterize the morphometry of S. comata seeds in remnants of the Atlantic Forest, to represent biodiversity conservation strategies, serving as subsidies for the implementation of management projects for the recovery of degraded areas. The study area is a remnant of the Atlantic Forest in Alagoinhas-Ba, with collections from October 2023 to January 2024. After the seed processing process, they were characterized following descriptive parameters suggested by the literature. The species has fruits characterized as echizocarpic with three wing expansions and oblong-oval seeds, with a sharp end, rigid, shiny, brown integument and a visible hilum. The research analyzed morphometric data from 304 species of seeds, and it was possible to observe a slight variation in the variable's size and weight.
