Rare Earth Elements in Bahia, Brazil: Potential for Global Production

  • Alexandre Pereira Wentz
  • Maria das Graças Andrade Korn
  • Jeancarlo Pereira dos Anjos
  • Fabiano Ferreira de Medeiros
  • Paulo Henrique Marques Modesto
  • Fabrício Dias Rodrigues
  • Sara Silva Alves
  • Alexandre Porto
  • Caio Silva Assis Felix
  • Eduarda de Lima Guimarães
  • Lilian Lefon Nani Guarieiro
Keywords: Rare Earth Elements (REE), Sustainability, Energy Transition


Rare earth elements (REE) are critical for modern technologies, especially in driving the global energy transition. Brazil, with substantial investments in the state of Bahia, has emerged as a key player in the global REE reserves.
This study evaluates the presence of REE in sediments collected from Novo Horizonte, Bahia, to explore their potential for future exploitation. Sediment samples were processed using the USEPA3051A digestion method, followed by centrifugation and analysis via inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP OES). The analysis revealed significant concentrations of REE, particularly cerium, neodymium, and yttrium. These results highlight Bahia's strategic importance in contributing to global REE production and supporting a sustainable, technology-driven economy.
