Development and Characterization of a PLA/NHA Composite Scaffold Manufacturated by 3D Printing

  • Arthur João Reis Lima Rodovalho
  • Willams Teles Barbosa
  • Jaqueline Leite Vieira
  • Caio Athayde de Oliva
  • Ana Paula Bispo Gonçalves
  • Sabrina Arcaro
  • Josiane Dantas Viana Barbosa
Keywords: Biocomposite, Scaffold, PLA/nHA, 3D Printing


The use of 3D bioprinting techniques for scaffold production represents an innovative approach, enabling the development of biomimetic structures that serve as matrices for new tissue formation. This study investigated the influence of varying nanohydroxyapatite (nHA) particle sizes on the properties of PLA/nHA scaffolds. The results obtained from nanocomposites containing 3% wt. nHA indicated that particle size does not significantly affect surface morphology, mobility, thermal behavior, handling, or cytotoxicity in the analyzed scaffolds.
