Fractional and Chemical Characterization of Green Coconut Fiber Bio-Oil Using Fast-GC×GC/TOFMS

  • Rafael de Oliveira Farrapeira
  • Yasmine Andrade Braga
  • Jaderson Kleveston Schneider
  • Carin von Muhlen
  • Elina Bastos Caramão
Keywords: Fractionation, Fast Pyrolysis, Chromatography Analysis


Brazil is renowned for its expertise in utilizing biomass for energy and biomaterials. Notably, in tandem with biomass processing, the country has a high potential for bio-products derived from agro-industrial residues, such as green coconut fibers. This study focused on using green coconut fibers in bio-oil production via pyrolysis (at 700 ºC with a heating rate of 100ºC/min). The bio-oil underwent fractionation using preparative liquid chromatography on silica (PLC) with solvents of varying polarities. The fractions of bio-oil were then analyzed using fast-GC×GC/TOFMS. This analytical technique significantly reduced the analysis time to 15 minutes per sample. The predominant compounds identified included phenols, furfural derivatives, and hydrocarbons, underscoring the bio-oil's potential for industrial applications.
