Development of an Automated Device for the Procedure of Blood Transfusion in Newborns
Hemolytic disease of the newborn, also known as hemolytic disease of the fetus and newborn, HDN, HDFN, is a problem of fetal erythrocyte hemolysis. This may happen due to the sensitization of maternal antibodies through the placental route. It is the pathology most frequently found in neonatal patients. Approximately 98% of maternal alloimmunization cases by erythrocyte antigens are due to the RhD factor. Phototherapy is the first choice in the treatment of neonatal jaundice. Blood transfusion is the therapy instituted for the treatment of severe neonatal disease. This study aimed to develop an automated device for performing the blood transfusion procedure. The method was developed in four stages: (1) Literature review about the search for theoretical references based on scientific articles and textbooks on transfusion therapy in the newborn; (2) Elaboration of the device consisted of items related to its assembly and structuring; (3) Operation of the medical device, including specific schedules related to the execution of the procedure; (4) Performing tests with simulating the purpose of volume replacement in the total cycle performed in the exsanguine transfusion procedure. The results showed that it was possible to assemble, reproduce, and implement the automation of the device developed for the exsanguine transfusion procedure in a practical. Also, the procedure presented security and effectiveness in the clinical treatment related to HDN.