JOURNAL OF BIOENGINEERING, TECHNOLOGIES AND HEALTH <div> <p><span style="font-family: Noto Sans, -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, Segoe UI, Roboto, Oxygen-Sans, Ubuntu, Cantarell, Helvetica Neue, sans-serif;"><span class="size">The Journal of Bioengineering, Technologies and Health (JBTH) is an official publication of SENAI CIMATEC (Serviço Nacional de Aprendizagem Industrial - Centro Integrado de Manufatura e Tecnologia). It is published quarterly (March - June - September - December). JBTH is a peer-reviewed open access and multidisciplinary Journal with an aim to develop a platform for innovative researchers in the area of Bioengineering and Technologies applied to Health 4.0.</span></span></p> <p><span style="font-family: Noto Sans, -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, Segoe UI, Roboto, Oxygen-Sans, Ubuntu, Cantarell, Helvetica Neue, sans-serif;"><span class="size">JBTH is published quarterly (March, June, September, December) in English by SENAI-CIMATEC in the press and electronic editions by the home page&nbsp;</span><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><span class="size"></span></a><span class="size">&nbsp;JJBTH has a DOI: 10.34178 for all its articles and editions. In 2022,&nbsp; it was classified for the first time by Qualis as category B2 (ISSN: 2595-2137 / e-ISSN 2674-8568). Today JBTH has a new ISSN (ISSN: 2764-5886 / e-ISSN: 2764-622X), but in Health fields, it focuses on Bioengineering and Technology applied to Health. However, due to the increase in the number of articles denied by the JBTH that included in their scope several areas related to engineering and bioengineering, chemistry, artificial intelligence, and substantial other technologies but not directly linked to the health area, many highly relevant papers had to be out of the Journal. As one of the crucial responsibilities of the Editorial Board is to evaluate the scope of the papers, they have stressed how significant the other areas of SENAI CIMATEC advances are to scientific discovery and development and decided to extend the scope of JBTH to include papers that provide the engineerings, bioengineering, technologies, chemistry, and related areas, but not linked just for health.</span></span></p> <p><span style="font-family: Noto Sans, -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, Segoe UI, Roboto, Oxygen-Sans, Ubuntu, Cantarell, Helvetica Neue, sans-serif;"><span class="size">In this sense, we have already received many strong submissions in many fields we expected. Now, the Journal reflects on the evolution we have seen. We will ensure it remains relevant and interesting to our readers and researchers. We have had March and part of April issues ready for publication. However, not to lose the indexes DOI and Crossref, the acronym and the website remained the same, changing only the name, the editorial board, and the scope of the Journal. Therefore, the Journal is now called "The Journal of Bioengineering, Technologies, and Health (JBTH)".</span></span></p> <p><span style="font-family: Noto Sans, -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, Segoe UI, Roboto, Oxygen-Sans, Ubuntu, Cantarell, Helvetica Neue, sans-serif;"><span class="size">JBTH intends to publish articles focusing on the subjects listed below:</span></span></p> <ol> <li class="show"><span style="font-family: Noto Sans, -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, Segoe UI, Roboto, Oxygen-Sans, Ubuntu, Cantarell, Helvetica Neue, sans-serif;"><span class="size">Research, Development, and Innovation (R&amp;D&amp;I);</span></span></li> <li class="show">Need for highly improved connectivity (urban areas);</li> <li class="show">Availability of Data in real time;</li> <li class="show">Instant availability of services or customized service aggregates;</li> <li class="show">Sensors can be transformed into algorithms and service platforms that could be connected to the real world to the virtual world (Cyber-physical Systems);</li> <li class="show">Data that can become a commodity;</li> <li class="show">Treatments move based on “empirical data” to “customized” = Precision Medicine;</li> <li class="show">Management of millions of “cases” through “robots” and “algorithms” (Population Health Management);</li> <li class="show">Health 4.0;</li> <li class="show">Devices: Applied to Health, Healthcare, Chemical, Bioengineering and Biotechnology;</li> <li class="show">Bioengineering subjects such as biomechanics, clinical engineering, genetic engineering; or engineering methods to achieve biosynthesis of animal or plant products;</li> <li class="show">All news about technologies around the world;</li> <li class="show">Industry 4.0.</li> </ol> <p><span style="font-family: Noto Sans, -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, Segoe UI, Roboto, Oxygen-Sans, Ubuntu, Cantarell, Helvetica Neue, sans-serif;"><span class="size"><u>New Approach</u></span></span></p> <p><span style="font-family: Noto Sans, -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, Segoe UI, Roboto, Oxygen-Sans, Ubuntu, Cantarell, Helvetica Neue, sans-serif;"><span class="size">JBTH has created a specific section, called "Health Innovation Initiatives," destined for innovative articles on scientific-technological production in Brazil and abroad, and national policies and directives related to technology applied to health. This section emerged from the needs of a new space within the Journal to disseminate the guidelines of biotechnology in our country and in the world.</span></span></p> <p><span style="font-family: Noto Sans, -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, Segoe UI, Roboto, Oxygen-Sans, Ubuntu, Cantarell, Helvetica Neue, sans-serif;"><span class="size"><u>Researches</u></span></span></p> <p><span style="font-family: Noto Sans, -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, Segoe UI, Roboto, Oxygen-Sans, Ubuntu, Cantarell, Helvetica Neue, sans-serif;"><span class="size">The Journal will provide an opportunity to researchers and scientists to explore the advanced and latest research developments, advancement discoveries and applications in in the field of bioengineering (electrical, chemical, mechanical, and other engineering disciplines related to medicine and biology, such as biomechanics, clinical engineering, genetic engineering; or the use of engineering methods to achieve biosynthesis of animal or plant products); technologies (all disciplines related to technology), Health (medicine, biology, chemistry, environmental areas and discilines related, as well as nanotechnologies, biochips, medical electronics, medical devices,&nbsp; new therapeutic strategies including stem cell therapy, gene therapy, new molecular biology discoveries and any scientific reliable information on advanced and very latest research topics).</span></span></p> <p><span style="font-family: Noto Sans, -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, Segoe UI, Roboto, Oxygen-Sans, Ubuntu, Cantarell, Helvetica Neue, sans-serif;"><span class="size">JBTH is strived to publish and get a positive impact factor through the following strategies: Accept submissions from everywhere in the world scientific community, track published in three weeks with a fast peer-review process, and no charge for publishing pages and figures. JBTH will bring three new approaches for regular publications and get a positive impact factor through the following strategies:</span></span></p> <ol> <li class="show"><span style="font-family: Noto Sans, -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, Segoe UI, Roboto, Oxygen-Sans, Ubuntu, Cantarell, Helvetica Neue, sans-serif;"><span class="size">The editorial board of the journal consists of the prominent names of Bioengineering, Technologies and Health in all regions of the world, which will be relevant for the reviewing process.</span></span></li> <li class="show">Each edition will bring a feature article with commentaries by prominent researchers, and current trends and best practices are regularly covered in review articles and practice guidelines.</li> <li class="show">Every edition will bring innovative manuscripts of technological production in Brazil and worldwide through the new section created (“Health Innovation Initiatives”).</li> <li class="show">Quick peer-review process (no more than three weeks of the reviewers) and fast revision and publication (one week). If an author sends an article and it is accepted to the Journal after the three weeks of the reviewer’s process, and the author send back in 15 days, the article will be published in the next issue.</li> </ol> <p><span style="font-family: Noto Sans, -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, Segoe UI, Roboto, Oxygen-Sans, Ubuntu, Cantarell, Helvetica Neue, sans-serif;"><span class="size">JBTH includes the following categories of communications:</span></span></p> <ol> <li class="show"><span style="font-family: Noto Sans, -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, Segoe UI, Roboto, Oxygen-Sans, Ubuntu, Cantarell, Helvetica Neue, sans-serif;"><span class="size">Original basic or clinical investigation;</span></span></li> <li class="show">Case presentation;</li> <li class="show">Brief reports or short communications;</li> <li class="show">State-of-the-art presentations;</li> <li class="show">Letters to the editor or editorials;</li> <li class="show">Editor's corner;</li> <li class="show">Innovative medical products;</li> <li class="show">Review article;</li> <li class="show">Health innovation initiatives.</li> </ol> </div> <div>&nbsp;</div> SENAI CIMATEC en-US JOURNAL OF BIOENGINEERING, TECHNOLOGIES AND HEALTH 2764-5886 Study of Equations for the Non-Invasive Calculation of Hemoglobin Levels <p>In many medical contexts, hemoglobin measurement is a routine procedure. However, the standard test for this parameter is invasive, which may cause discomfort and increase the risk of infection. Consequently, numerous studies have been conducted to develop non-invasive methods for hemoglobin measurement. This study aims to assess the performance of two equations that utilize optical signal data to estimate hemoglobin levels. The average error between the hemoglobin values calculated by these equations and reference values from the literature was analyzed. The equations yielded average errors of 23% and 4%, achieved by incorporating a correction factor into the second equation. These findings suggest that non-invasive hemoglobin estimation is promising, and including correction factors enhances accuracy.</p> Noemi Araújo Esquivel da Silva Ciro Oliveira Fialho Gabriel Barreto Teles Fonseca Wendy Barbosa Conceição André Ali Mere Everton José Buzzo Paulo Ali Mere Copyright (c) 2024 JOURNAL OF BIOENGINEERING, TECHNOLOGIES AND HEALTH 2024-12-14 2024-12-14 7 3 238 240 10.34178/jbth.v7i3.404 Challenges of Operationalizing a Mobile Computerized Tomography Unit: Experience Report from the ProPulmão Project <p>The ProPulmão pilot project, launched in 2023, aimed to screen and analyze the epidemiological profile of lung cancer in remote communities across Bahia, Brazil, where access to imaging exams is limited. Recognizing the critical role of low-dose computed tomography (CT) in reducing lung cancer mortality, the project employed a mobile unit equipped with a 16-channel CT scanner and the necessary medical infrastructure to screen asymptomatic smokers and ex-smokers who had quit smoking up to 15 years ago. While the initiative proved effective, it encountered significant logistical challenges, particularly with internet connectivity and power supply—both essential for the consistent operation of the CT unit and the transmission and storage of medical images. Despite these obstacles, the project successfully facilitated early detection of lung cancer cases, underscoring the importance of such screening programs. The challenges led to refining work protocols, including improved image storage techniques, a deeper understanding of managing medical image servers, and enhanced communication between the technical and medical teams. These experiences contributed to the ProPulmão project's success. They provided valuable insights for implementing similar initiatives in other states across Brazil, thereby promoting greater accessibility and early detection in underserved areas.</p> Javier Felipe Carrasco Carrasco Gabriel Barreto Teles Fonseca Copyright (c) 2024 JOURNAL OF BIOENGINEERING, TECHNOLOGIES AND HEALTH 2024-12-14 2024-12-14 7 3 241 244 10.34178/jbth.v7i3.405 Survey of Smart Technologies for Application in Home Elderly Care <p>This project addresses the increasing demands of an aging population and the need to adapt social structures to accommodate elderly individuals better in specialized care settings. As the number of elderly individuals grows, there is a pressing need for practical solutions to enhance their quality of life and ensure their well-being. The methodology employed in this project includes a comprehensive survey of care environments' characteristics and a thorough analysis of available intelligent technologies. These technologies encompass various communication options such as RFID, Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE), LoRaWAN, ZigBee, and Ultra Wideband, as well as a range of sensors designed to monitor sleep, physical activity, and nutrition among the elderly. Implementing these intelligent technologies aims to facilitate the early identification of potential health risks and provide continuous monitoring of the elderly's overall quality of life and health. Preliminary tests have indicated the necessity for further investigation into additional resources to enhance the effectiveness and coverage of these sensors.</p> Rodrigo Dias Paolillo Valéria Loureiro da Silva Copyright (c) 2024 JOURNAL OF BIOENGINEERING, TECHNOLOGIES AND HEALTH 2024-12-14 2024-12-14 7 3 245 247 10.34178/jbth.v7i3.406 Assistive Technologies in Aphasia Rehabilitation: Prototyping for the Task of Object Naming <p>Aphasia is a language disorder caused by brain injuries, often as a result of a stroke. This condition significantly impairs communication and profoundly affects the lives of patients. Rehabilitation is critical in improving outcomes and may include tasks such as object naming, where patients identify presented images. This process can be enhanced through the use of assistive technologies. This exploratory study was conducted in three stages: a systematic review, developing and validating a preliminary prototype, and creating the final version. The systematic review revealed that integrating technology into treatment provides immediate and long-term benefits. However, a notable gap was identified: the lack of designed software for this purpose. To address this need, the study proposes developing a prototype application to support aphasia rehabilitation, with a primary focus on object-naming exercises.</p> Évila Maria de Souza Carneiro Claudia Simões Pinto da Cunha Lima Copyright (c) 2024 JOURNAL OF BIOENGINEERING, TECHNOLOGIES AND HEALTH 2024-12-14 2024-12-14 7 3 248 256 10.34178/jbth.v7i3.407 Building Citizens: The Educational Role of the 'New Ekinata' Project in Obtaining Documents by Young People <p>The 'New Ekinata' project introduces an innovative approach to civic education for young Brazilians by focusing on acquiring essential documents for citizenship. The project proposes the development of a mobile game designed to educate and engage youth in obtaining documents, understanding their requirements, and appreciating their significance in societal life. This initiative addresses the information gap many young people face, empowering them to understand and exercise their rights and duties. The game seeks to make learning more engaging and practical, with a detailed analysis planned at the project's conclusion to assess its development, impact on civic awareness, and contribution to facilitating access to essential documents.</p> Rafael Athaliba Bomfim Fraga João Pereira Paulo de Araujo Rodrigo Dias Sarno Iago Santana Alfaya Marcio Rene Brandão Soussa Copyright (c) 2024 JOURNAL OF BIOENGINEERING, TECHNOLOGIES AND HEALTH 2024-12-14 2024-12-14 7 3 257 258 10.34178/jbth.v7i3.408 Use of Artificial Intelligence and Sizing and Simulation Software in Photovoltaic Plants <p>This academic study investigates the application of sizing and simulation software, such as PV*SOL and PVSYST, to analyze actual data collected from solar plants in Petrolina (PE), Messias (AL), and Piranhas (AL), comparing it with meteorological data from nearby stations. The study's objective is to assess the accuracy and effectiveness of these tools in implementing, testing, and monitoring solar plants. Essential factors in photovoltaic project design include meteorological data, site shading, module orientation, geographic location, temperature-induced losses, electrical components, equipment, and climate change considerations. The analysis covers January to December 2023, using hourly data from reliable meteorological inputs. These software tools aid in system sizing by incorporating multiple factors and estimating energy output, which is crucial to closely matching predicted energy production with actual performance. The quality of meteorological databases and mathematical models impacts software performance, necessitating efforts to filter, qualify, and catalog data sources. Production results indicated an annual output of 3,796 MWh for the Petrolina plant and 1,027 MWh for the Messias II plant, with measured data showing a 5% to 12% variation from estimated figures. Furthermore, the study incorporates Neural Designer, a machine learning-based neural network software, to conduct additional comparative analyses. The findings provide insights into site selection, equipment, plant characteristics, operational practices, and alignment of energy production with software predictions, offering recommendations for improvements and identifying potential locations for future solar farms.</p> Carlos Eduardo Malaquias Fernandes Fernando Luiz Pellegrini Pessoa Edson Ricardo Calado Sabino Oberdan Rocha Pinheiro Alex Álisson Bandeira Santos Copyright (c) 2024 JOURNAL OF BIOENGINEERING, TECHNOLOGIES AND HEALTH 2024-12-14 2024-12-14 7 3 259 275 10.34178/jbth.v7i3.409 Additive Manufacturing in the Oil Gas Industry: Strategies for Managing Powder Waste in Multi Jet Fusion Printing (MJF) <p>In the context of the Product Development Process (PDP), particularly during the development phase, there is growing recognition of the importance of waste management in producing components used in the industry. This increased awareness has led to a progressive interest in formulating approaches to understand and mitigate the possible resulting environmental impacts. Within this context, considering the substantial increase in the application of Additive Manufacturing techniques in the oil and gas industry, especially the deposition of polymeric layers, notably through the use of PA 12 and PP powder, it becomes imperative to thoroughly examine the production process in order to assess the feasibility of reincorporating discarded materials into the production chain of polymeric materials. In this context, this article proposes a detailed analysis of the manufacturing flow of a Multi Jet Fusion (MJF) Additive Manufacturing machine to assess the percentage of waste generated in small-scale prints by quantifying the mass of waste generated in the process, as well as pointing out alternatives for disposing of this waste. When the parts are produced, PA12 and PP powder waste is generated; in this deposition process, the powder is reused, returning to its production process. However, after the part has been made, it needs to be blasted with glass microspheres to remove all the powder residue that is trapped in the part. The waste generated during blasting is a mixture of PA12, PP, and glass microspheres, which, if not disposed of in an environmentally appropriate way, can have an environmental impact. Over 9 days, the results revealed an average of 12.15% waste from the component blasting process. It is suggested that this waste be used to manufacture filaments by extrusion and in additive manufacturing machines to deposit molten material. This material can produce other components for the oil and gas industry using FDM printers. It should be noted that bibliographical references identify viable techniques for reintegrating discarded materials into other manufacturing processes. Reducing PA12 and PP waste in additive manufacturing contributes to economic efficiency. It aligns with environmental and social goals, promoting sustainable practices and supporting the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals in the oil and gas sector.</p> Beatriz Almeida Castro de Souza Bruno Caetano dos Santos Silva Paulo Henrique Guilherme Reis Lucas de Figueiredo Soares Edna dos Santos Almeida Rodrigo Santiago Coelho Copyright (c) 2024 JOURNAL OF BIOENGINEERING, TECHNOLOGIES AND HEALTH 2024-12-14 2024-12-14 7 3 276 284 10.34178/jbth.v7i3.410 Application of Microencapsulation in Lipids: Technological and Scientific Prospection <p>The food industry has been actively developing solutions to address healthy eating challenges in today's fast-paced world. One such solution is using microencapsulation techniques for bioactive compounds, particularly lipids. This study aims to investigate the potential of microencapsulation technology in enhancing the stability of lipids against oxidation in the body, which can compromise their nutritional efficacy. A bibliometric mapping was conducted using The Lens database, applying a combination of keywords and filters to identify relevant patents and publications. The goal was to analyze the scientific and technological activity surrounding the topic. The results reveal a significant increase in research and patent activity over the past decade, primarily focusing on microencapsulation methods and their applications in food supplements. Furthermore, a growing trend toward using this technology to develop new functional foods with potential socioeconomic benefits was observed.</p> Thalia Catherine Sacramento Ferreira Thâmilla Thalline Batista de Oliveira Tatiana Barreto Rocha Nery Copyright (c) 2024 JOURNAL OF BIOENGINEERING, TECHNOLOGIES AND HEALTH 2024-12-14 2024-12-14 7 3 285 287 10.34178/jbth.v7i3.411 Development of Technological Routes for Extraction of Bioactives from Coffee Film and Assessment of the Potential of the Phytochemical Profile <p>The project proposes exploring the potential of coffee skins as a source of valuable compounds due to the excess coffee on the market and the devaluation of prices. Traditionally, the extraction of compounds from coffee skins occurs using methods such as pressing or the use of solvents. However, these methods may have limitations, such as low yield or toxicity. Coffee skin is rich in substances that interest various sectors, such as antioxidants, chlorogenic acids, and dietary fiber. The project seeks to develop coffee skin extraction routes, aiming to increase the yield and quality of the extracted compounds while avoiding their degradation. Furthermore, we intend to evaluate the potential of the photochemical profile of the materials obtained.</p> Roberto Andrei Santos Borromei Bárbara Avancini Teixeira Ingrid Lessa Leal Tatiana Barreto Rocha Nery Ana Lucia Barbosa de Souza Fernando Luiz Pellegrini Pessoa Copyright (c) 2024 JOURNAL OF BIOENGINEERING, TECHNOLOGIES AND HEALTH 2024-12-14 2024-12-14 7 3 288 290 10.34178/jbth.v7i3.412 Bibliometric Study of the Production of Scaffold by Polycaprolactone and Graphene Electrospinning <p>This bibliometric study investigated the production of scaffolds using electrospinning with the incorporation of graphene into polycaprolactone (PCL) for biomedical applications. Bibliometric methods were employed to analyze relevant scientific literature and identify trends, publication patterns, key authors and institutions, and primary application areas. Using specific keywords in the Web of Science database, 54 articles published over the past five years were identified. Results indicate a decline in annual publications, potentially due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Iran emerged as the leading country in research on this topic, while the most cited journals included Materials Science Multidisciplinary, Polymer Science, and Materials Science Biomaterials. These findings provide a comprehensive overview of the current research landscape, highlighting areas of interest and potential future directions. </p> Marco Aurélio Silveira Jaqueline Leite Vieira Ana Paula Bispo Gonçalves Rodrigo Polkowski Willams Teles Barbosa Milena Botelho Pereira Soares Josiane Dantas Viana Barbosa Copyright (c) 2024 JOURNAL OF BIOENGINEERING, TECHNOLOGIES AND HEALTH 2024-12-14 2024-12-14 7 3 291 293 10.34178/jbth.v7i3.413 Study of the Potential of the Green Hydrogen Economy in Bahia: A Multiscale Approach <p>Given the urgent need to decarbonize global energy sources, this study aims to provide an in-depth understanding of the green hydrogen economy, addressing the challenges, opportunities, and benefits of its development in the Brazilian state of Bahia, which is the fifth largest state in the country. The research focuses on demonstrating the potential of this emerging economy in the state, employing a framework based on a multiscale methodology. This framework is designed to enhance understanding of Bahia's energy and fuel markets. Furthermore, the study explores the technologies and opportunities associated with green hydrogen in Bahia, detailing a framework that maps its potential in various regions, highlighting the primary production hubs and applications. The multiscale methodology plays a pivotal role in achieving these goals. </p> Augusto S.C. de Menezes Leonardo O.S. Santana Gustavo Santos Fernando Pessoa Copyright (c) 2024 JOURNAL OF BIOENGINEERING, TECHNOLOGIES AND HEALTH 2024-12-14 2024-12-14 7 3 294 298 10.34178/jbth.v7i3.414 A Systematic Review of the Regulation of Green Hydrogen-Based Electricity Generation in Brazil <p>This article presents a systematic review of the current state of the art regulating electricity generation from green hydrogen in Brazil. The study was conducted through searches using selected descriptors in the SciELO and Google Scholar databases, supplemented by consultations in the ANEEL Virtual Library, Google, and ChatGPT. The goal was to identify documents related to laws, norms, and regulations addressing the use of green hydrogen for electricity generation in Brazil without any temporal restriction. The analysis of multiple documents revealed that, to date, no regulatory framework has been officially approved for green hydrogen in Brazil. This regulatory gap highlights the need for comparative studies with legislation from other countries to inform the development of an appropriate framework for the Brazilian context.</p> Elisabete Joana Paes Barreto Aloisio S. Nascimento Filho Hugo Saba Copyright (c) 2024 JOURNAL OF BIOENGINEERING, TECHNOLOGIES AND HEALTH 2024-12-14 2024-12-14 7 3 299 305 10.34178/jbth.v7i3.415 Methods for Prospecting and Monitoring Hydrocarbon Gases on Oil and Gas Platforms and Basins: A Brief Review <p>This work provides an overview of oil and gas prospecting methods and techniques, focusing on their advantages and limitations. It also highlights their application in monitoring hydrocarbon leaks on platforms and basins. A mapping of techniques, classified into geological, geophysical, and geochemical categories, illustrates their relevance, offshore or onshore suitability, and practical applicability. The discussion underscores the need for integrated approaches to improve exploration efficiency and safety while aligning with sustainable development goals (SDGs).</p> Guilherme Brandão da Cunha Lilian Lefol Nani Guarieiro Madson Moreira Nascimento Pedro Afonso de Paula Pereira Copyright (c) 2024 JOURNAL OF BIOENGINEERING, TECHNOLOGIES AND HEALTH 2024-12-14 2024-12-14 7 3 306 308 10.34178/jbth.v7i3.416 Analysis of the CO2 Separation Process from Natural Gas Streams by Absorption with MEA using Aspen HYSYS <p>The increasing concern for environmental preservation and efforts to mitigate global warming has intensified studies on process decarbonization. Simultaneously, natural gas (NG) consumption has been rising due to its lower environmental impact than other fossil fuels. To meet commercial standards, natural gas undergoes a CO2 separation stage, with amine absorption technology being the most widely used due to its industrial applicability. This study aims to organize a test spreadsheet to initiate a sensitivity analysis of the CO2 absorption process in natural gas streams based on simulations conducted using Aspen HYSYS. The analysis identifies combinations of process parameters that optimize separation results.</p> Fernanda dos Santos Cardoso Gabriel de Veiga Cabral Malgaresi Reinaldo Coelho Mirre Copyright (c) 2024 JOURNAL OF BIOENGINEERING, TECHNOLOGIES AND HEALTH 2024-12-14 2024-12-14 7 3 309 311 10.34178/jbth.v7i3.417 Seawater Refinary: A Pathway for Sustainable Metal Recovery and Green Hydrogen Production <p>With the growing environmental challenges of saltwater desalination, seawater mining is emerging as a sustainable alternative to traditional onshore mining. This paper explores the potential of recovering metals from seawater and producing green hydrogen, proposing a "seawater refinery" concept inspired by oil and biorefineries. The refinery leverages advanced separation technologies and "Zero Liquid Discharge" methods to convert brine into valuable products, including green hydrogen (H₂) while minimizing environmental impacts.</p> Leonardo Oliveira Santos de Santana Jonatas de Oliveira Souza Cavalcante Gustavo de Souza dos Santos Fernando Luiz Pellegrini Pessoa Copyright (c) 2024 JOURNAL OF BIOENGINEERING, TECHNOLOGIES AND HEALTH 2024-12-14 2024-12-14 7 3 312 319 10.34178/jbth.v7i3.418